2023-05-19T23:45:36Z - 2024-05-19T23:45:36Z


18 Active Pull Requests
64 Active Issues
Excluding merges, 1 author has pushed 13 commits to main and 37 commits to all branches. On main, 9 files have changed and there have been 1304 additions and 6489 deletions.

7 Pull requests merged by 1 user

Merged #24 Add initial motivations section 2023-07-04 16:22:20 +02:00

Merged #19 Add introduction 2023-06-22 12:33:18 +02:00

Merged #23 Add infrastructure section and clean up the attester connection 2023-06-21 18:22:54 +02:00

Merged #18 Add requirement to only be enabled in secure context 2023-06-21 16:34:57 +02:00

Merged #22 Fix IDL validation failure 2023-06-20 16:13:34 +02:00

Merged #21 Add github workflow to publish to gh-pages branch 2023-06-20 15:57:53 +02:00

Merged #17 Update alternative spec to be considered working draft 2023-06-16 11:49:26 +02:00

11 Pull requests proposed by 1 user

Proposed #29 Clarify language 2023-07-19 17:39:12 +02:00

Proposed #34 Fix major API design/security flaw: Denial of service on large quantity of users 2023-07-19 21:04:09 +02:00

Proposed #35 fix: introduce alternate attestation API implementation (resolves #28) 2023-07-19 23:15:52 +02:00

Proposed #39 remove some of the more problematic elemtents of this proposal 2023-07-20 03:51:02 +02:00

Proposed #56 Delete explainer.md 2023-07-20 20:40:42 +02:00

Proposed #59 mention the primary use-case: adblock detection 2023-07-20 21:18:26 +02:00

Proposed #75 Update explainer.md 2023-07-21 01:23:57 +02:00

Proposed #76 Fixing problems 2023-07-21 01:24:37 +02:00

Proposed #81 Clarify some uncertainties about the intend 2023-07-21 01:59:47 +02:00

Proposed #82 Use simpler language in explainer (improved by AI) 2023-07-21 02:12:06 +02:00

Proposed #91 Clarify explainer 2023-07-21 04:26:58 +02:00

6 Issues closed from 1 user

Closed #55 You should kill yourself... 2023-07-20 20:32:06 +02:00

Closed #48 do not 2023-07-20 19:35:17 +02:00

Closed #52 hm today i will propose this very useful web standard that will surely work out with no backlash whatsoever 2023-07-20 19:34:52 +02:00

Closed #50 STOP 2023-07-20 19:34:38 +02:00

Closed #7 Proposing CBOR for the token format 2023-06-22 17:48:32 +02:00

Closed #9 Secure Context only 2023-06-22 17:47:43 +02:00

58 Issues created by 1 user

Opened #16 Attestation holdback 2023-06-06 16:42:03 +02:00

Opened #20 What should the attester identity be? 2023-06-19 17:28:44 +02:00

Opened #25 Provide an example of validating tokens 2023-06-22 12:31:14 +02:00

Opened #26 What error codes should be thrown? 2023-06-23 17:39:23 +02:00

Opened #27 Include content binding hash type in the EnvironmentIntegrity response? 2023-07-17 13:03:44 +02:00

Opened #28 Don't. 2023-07-19 14:19:40 +02:00

Opened #30 Compatibility with GDPR article 22 2023-07-19 18:02:04 +02:00

Opened #31 What does this proposed API provide? 2023-07-19 19:16:23 +02:00

Opened #32 Questions of Necessity for Proposal 2023-07-19 19:58:51 +02:00

Opened #33 The advertising use case for this creates risks for users 2023-07-19 20:18:28 +02:00

Opened #36 Compare privacy claims vs anti-fingerprinting techniques 2023-07-19 23:25:35 +02:00

Opened #37 Will accessibility tools be blocked or banned? 2023-07-20 01:20:49 +02:00

Opened #38 no don't pls thanks :3 2023-07-20 02:39:58 +02:00

Opened #40 Does not explain what the costs of restricting fraud are 2023-07-20 06:52:19 +02:00

Opened #41 Does not address fake actors at all 2023-07-20 07:11:12 +02:00

Opened #42 No real justification why challenges aren’t enough 2023-07-20 07:13:27 +02:00

Opened #43 Confusion between client and user authentication 2023-07-20 07:28:18 +02:00

Opened #44 Proposal entirely skips how attestors are supposed to actually function? 2023-07-20 07:28:44 +02:00

Opened #45 This will make the web stupid, and it will be wholly ineffective 2023-07-20 08:33:11 +02:00

Opened #46 User Research? 2023-07-20 13:03:44 +02:00

Opened #47 This idea is bad and you should feel bad 2023-07-20 13:24:45 +02:00

Opened #49 Google Bordering on Antitrust 2023-07-20 15:36:37 +02:00

Opened #51 Do not listen to ad blocking addicts, please ship this ASAP 2023-07-20 18:11:14 +02:00

Opened #53 Would it be that hard not to create oppressive web standards that provide no real world benefit? 2023-07-20 19:47:50 +02:00

Opened #54 So... locking down browser and OSs that only support DRM wasn't enough? 2023-07-20 20:06:45 +02:00

Opened #57 Please don't do this 2023-07-20 20:41:53 +02:00

Opened #58 Cease Immediately 2023-07-20 20:57:51 +02:00

Opened #60 Keep the World Wide Web an open platform 2023-07-20 21:26:17 +02:00

Opened #61 Feature request: block copy and pasting 2023-07-20 21:54:38 +02:00

Opened #62 Have you learned nothing from the failure of AMP? 2023-07-20 22:05:11 +02:00

Opened #63 Could you guys please stop trying to create a 1984 dystopia every 5 minutes? 2023-07-20 22:11:03 +02:00

Opened #64 This is an awful idea 2023-07-20 22:18:48 +02:00

Opened #65 Feature Request: Whitelisted Websites 2023-07-20 22:30:21 +02:00

Opened #66 "Constructive" involvement is not ethical when the goal is harmful 2023-07-20 22:57:58 +02:00

Opened #67 Terrible idea. 2023-07-21 00:09:45 +02:00

Opened #68 Extremely important suggestion 2023-07-21 00:11:12 +02:00

Opened #69 This is horrid. 2023-07-21 00:35:25 +02:00

Opened #70 fuck no bruh 2023-07-21 00:51:09 +02:00

Opened #71 replace the internet with ads 2023-07-21 00:52:21 +02:00

Opened #72 are you guys going trick or treating? 2023-07-21 00:52:27 +02:00

Opened #73 begone 2023-07-21 01:09:17 +02:00

Opened #74 No 2023-07-21 01:21:25 +02:00

Opened #77 Rethink this. 2023-07-21 01:27:34 +02:00

Opened #78 How do you ensure the modified and browsers with extensions or development tools can be used? 2023-07-21 01:33:23 +02:00

Opened #79 Dishonest cretins. Liars. How much are they paying you to sell what little integrity you have? 2023-07-21 01:34:02 +02:00

Opened #80 This will definitely stop bad actors 2023-07-21 01:41:44 +02:00

Opened #83 Keep Yourself Safe 2023-07-21 02:13:32 +02:00

Opened #84 have you tried having good ideas instead of bad ones 2023-07-21 02:18:20 +02:00

Opened #85 interesting idea, have you considered... 2023-07-21 02:24:42 +02:00

Opened #86 Some thoughts on how this project could coexist with an open web 2023-07-21 02:31:51 +02:00

Opened #87 My thoughts on this proposal, and how this could help the web. 2023-07-21 02:36:00 +02:00

Opened #88 Why step so low? 2023-07-21 02:36:12 +02:00

Opened #89 How to delete someone else's repository 2023-07-21 02:36:55 +02:00

Opened #90 the toilet is in the other room 2023-07-21 04:21:19 +02:00

Opened #92 "i wonder". 2023-07-21 04:45:05 +02:00

Opened #93 Feature request: block websites entirely 2023-07-21 04:48:29 +02:00

Opened #94 Feature request: remove all other non-Google useragents from client devices 2023-07-21 05:19:56 +02:00

Opened #95 Look. 2023-07-21 05:59:08 +02:00

11 Unresolved Conversations

Open #5 holdbacks diminish the value of the proposal and don't protect browser diversity 2023-07-21 05:33:51 +02:00

Open #11 What extra fingerprinting does this allow? 2023-07-21 05:14:46 +02:00

Open #13 RFC 8890 Compliance 2023-07-21 02:51:20 +02:00

Open #15 Surveillance by Attester concerns 2023-07-20 18:14:18 +02:00

Open #14 Who determines what Attesters are acceptable? 2023-07-20 16:03:37 +02:00

Open #4 can this proposal facilitate integrity of the running script? 2023-07-20 01:24:05 +02:00

Open #2 "device identifier" could be per-origin; would that alleviate concerns? 2023-07-19 21:27:01 +02:00

Open #8 explainer assumes the existence of a base64 encoder 2023-07-14 11:48:46 +02:00

Open #12 investigating the causes of unexpected integrity attestation failures 2023-07-14 11:47:15 +02:00

Open #6 HTTP client hints 2023-07-14 11:47:12 +02:00

Open #3 tokens bound to the device 2023-07-14 11:47:04 +02:00