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fisher-config(7) -- Fisherman Configuration
This document describes how to use Fisherman configuration variables.
Your fish user configuration, usually located in `$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/fish/` is updated after installing Fisherman to add the global variables `$fisher_home` and `$fisher_config`.
Using the following variables, you can customize the locations of the cache, index URL, fishfile, create command aliases, etc.
* `$fisher_home`:
The home directory. If you installed Fisherman using the recommended method `curl -sL | fish`, the location will be `$XDG_DATA_HOME/fisherman`. If you clone Fisherman and run `make` yourself, `$fisher_home` will the current working directory.
* `$fisher_config`:
The user configuration directory. This is default location of your user *fishfile*, Fisherman ** file and the *cache*, *functions*, *completions* and *conf.d* directories. `$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/fisherman` by default.
* `$fisher_file`:
This file keeps a list of what plugins you have installed and are currently enabled. `$fisher_config/fishfile` by default. See `fisher help fishfile` for details.
* `$fisher_cache`:
The cache directory. Plugins are downloaded first here and installed to `$fisher_config/functions` afterwards. The cache is `$fisher_config/cache` by default.
* `$fisher_index`:
The URL to the index database. To use a different index set this to a file or URL. Redirect URLs are currently not supported due to security and performance concerns. The underlying request and fetch mechanism is based in `curl`(1).
* `$fisher_alias command=alias[,...] [command2=alias[,...]]`:
Use this variable to define custom aliases for fisher commands. See `Examples` below.
* Create aliases for fisher `install` to *i*, *in* and *inst*; and for fisher `update` to *up*.
set fisher_alias install=i,in,inst update=up
`fisher help tour`