Jorge Bucaran ebec1eaa01
Fisherman 1.0 RC
* Deprecate fisher --list in favor of a new command fisher list.
  The behavior is roughly the same. See fisher help list for
  usage. tl;dr: Use list to query the local system / cache and
  search to query the index.

* Teach fisher_plugin_walk about fish_postexec,
  fish_command_not_found and fish_preexec event emitters and
  erase them during uninstall if they were defined in a snippet.

* Fisherman now recognizes the following aliases by default:
  i for install, u for update, l for list, s for search and h
  for help.

* Large documentation rewrite. Better, simpler, more concise
  and more consistent.

* Fisherman now detects if users have modified their fish
  prompt using fish_config and if so, uninstalls $fisher_prompt.
2016-02-29 23:13:29 +09:00

128 lines
3.1 KiB

fisher-search(1) -- Search plugin index
fisher search [*plugins* ...]<br>
fisher search [--name|--url|--info|--tag|--author]<br>
fisher search [--and] [--or] [--quiet] [--help]<br>
fisher search [--long|--full] [--no-color]<br>
fisher search [--query=*field*[&&,||]*field*...]<br>
fisher search *url*<br>
fisher search *name*<br>
fisher search *owner/repo*<br>
fisher search *query*<br>
Search plugins in the Fisherman index.
fisher search
* debug Conditional debug logger
errno POSIX error code/string translator
* fishtape TAP producing test runner
flash Flash-inspired, thunder prompt
fzf Efficient keybindings for fzf
get Press any key to continue
> shellder Powerline prompt optimized for speed
Get detailed information about a plugin.
fisher search shellder
> shellder by simnalamburt
Powerline prompt optimized for speed
Search plugins using tags.
fisher search --tag={git,test}
* fishtape TAP producing test runner
git-branch-name Get the name of the current Git branch
git-is-repo Test if the current directory is a Git repo
git-is-dirty Test if there are changes not staged for commit
git-is-stashed Test if there are changes in the stash
The legend consists of:
`*` Indicate the plugin is currently installed<br>
`>` Indicate the plugin is a prompt<br>
`@` Indicate the plugin is a symbolic link<br>
* --*field*[=*match*]:
Display index records where *field* equals *match*. *field* can be any of name, url, info, tag/s or author. If *match* is not given, display only the given *field* from every record in the index. Use != to negate the query.
* --*field*[~/regex/]:
Same as --*field*[=*match*], but using Regular Expressions. Use !~ to negate the query.
* --long:
Display results in long format.
* --full:
Display results in full format.
* --no-color:
Turn off color display.
* -a, --and:
Join the query with a logical AND operator.
* -o, --or:
Join the query with a logical OR operator. This is the default operator.
* -q, --quiet:
Enable quiet mode.
* -h, --help:
Show help.
Search prints results records in the same line, when using one or more of the following options: --name, --url, --info, --tags, --author. This allows you to parse search results easily.
fisher search shark --name --url --author
* Display plugins by name and format the result into multiple columns.
fisher search --name | column
* Display plugins by URL, remove ** and format into multiple columns.
fisher search --url | sed 's|||' | column
* Display remote plugins, i.e, those in the index, but *not* in the cache.
fisher search --and --name!=(fisher --list=bare)
* Search all plugins whose name does not start with the letter s.
fisher search --name!~/^s/