add org-habit, add keybinding to F12 For agenda

This commit is contained in:
Inhji 2024-02-05 22:53:37 +01:00
parent 87809849fa
commit 2373e6ec73
2 changed files with 15 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -10,11 +10,15 @@
(setq shell-file-name (executable-find "bash"))
(map! "<f12>" #'org-agenda-list)
(setq display-line-numbers-type t)
(setq doom-theme 'doom-one)
(setq org-src-tab-acts-natively t)
(add-to-list 'org-modules 'org-habit)
(after! org (setq
org-agenda-show-all-dates nil
org-agenda-span 2

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@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
* Table of contents :toc:
- [[#notes][Notes]]
- [[#config-basics][Config Basics]]
- [[#keybindings][Keybindings]]
- [[#appearance][Appearance]]
- [[#org-mode][Org Mode]]
- [[#org-basics][Org Basics]]
@ -39,6 +40,12 @@ This codeblock should be the first in this file!
(setq shell-file-name (executable-find "bash"))
* Keybindings
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(map! "<f12>" #'org-agenda-list)
* Appearance
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
@ -47,14 +54,17 @@ This codeblock should be the first in this file!
* Org Mode
** Org Basics
*** TAB uses the language's major-mode binding in code blocks
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(setq org-src-tab-acts-natively t)
*** Load org-modules
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(add-to-list 'org-modules 'org-habit)
** Org Agenda
To have a less overwhelming agenda, show only TODOs for today and tomorrow. DONE items are not interesting, so they are also hidden.