Jorge Bucaran 96b4522f84 Fisherman 1.0 RC
* Deprecate fisher --list in favor of a new command fisher list.
  The behavior is roughly the same. See fisher help list for
  usage. tl;dr: Use list to query the local system / cache and
  search to query the index.

* Teach fisher_plugin_walk about fish_postexec,
  fish_command_not_found and fish_preexec event emitters and
  erase them during uninstall if they were defined in a snippet.

* Fisherman now recognizes the following aliases by default:
  i for install, u for update, l for list, s for search and h
  for help.

* Large documentation rewrite. Better, simpler, more concise
  and more consistent.

* Fisherman now detects if users have modified their fish
  prompt using fish_config and if so, uninstalls $fisher_prompt.
2016-02-29 23:13:29 +09:00

537 lines
8 KiB

.\" generated with Ronn/v0.7.3
.TH "FISHER\-TUTORIAL" "7" "February 2016" "" "fisherman"
\fBfisher\-tutorial\fR \- A tutorial introduction to Fisherman
This document tells you how to start using Fisherman key features\.
Install a plugin\.
.IP "" 4
fisher install <plugin>
.IP "" 0
\fIplugin\fR can be name registered in the Fisherman index, a URL to a Git repository or a path in the local system\. Plugins are collected in a special location inside the Fisherman\'s configuration directory known as the cache\.
Update a plugin\.
.IP "" 4
fisher update <plugin>
.IP "" 0
Uninstall a plugin\.
.IP "" 4
fisher uninstall <plugin>
.IP "" 0
The list command displays all the plugins you have installed\. The search command queries the index to show what\'s available to install\.
List installed plugins\.
.IP "" 4
fisher list
* fishtape
> shellder
* spin
@ wipe
.IP "" 0
The legend consists of:
\fB*\fR Indicate the plugin is currently installed
\fB>\fR Indicate the plugin is a prompt
\fB@\fR Indicate the plugin is a symbolic link
Search the index\.
.IP "" 4
fisher search
* debug Conditional debug logger
errno POSIX error code/string translator
* fishtape TAP producing test runner
flash Flash\-inspired, thunder prompt
fzf Efficient keybindings for fzf
get Press any key to continue
> shellder Powerline prompt optimized for speed
.IP "" 0
Get detailed information about a plugin\.
.IP "" 4
fisher search shellder
> shellder by simnalamburt
Powerline prompt optimized for speed
.IP "" 0
Search plugins using tags\.
.IP "" 4
fisher search \-\-tag={git,test}
* fishtape TAP producing test runner
git\-branch\-name Get the name of the current Git branch
git\-is\-repo Test if the current directory is a Git repo
git\-is\-dirty Test if there are changes not staged for commit
git\-is\-stashed Test if there are changes in the stash
.IP "" 0
Fisherman commands are pipe aware\. Plumb one with another to create complex functionality\.
Update all the plugins in the cache\.
.IP "" 4
fisher list | fisher update \-
.IP "" 0
Install all the plugins that are currently disabled\.
.IP "" 4
fisher list \-\-disabled | fisher install
.IP "" 0
When you install a plugin, Fisherman updates a file known as \fIfishfile\fR to track what plugins are currently enabled\.
To customize its location:
.IP "" 4
set \-g fisher_file ~/\.dotfiles/fishfile
.IP "" 0
Plugins can be utilities, prompts, commands or snippets\.
Utilities are plugins that define one or more functions which are mean to be used in the CLI directly by the user\.
This example walks you through creating \fIwtc\fR, a plugin based in \fIgithub/ngerakines/commitment\fR random commit message generator\.
.IP "\(bu" 4
Create a directory and initialize a Git repository\.
.IP "" 0
.IP "" 4
mkdir wtc
cd wtc
git init
git remote add origin https://github\.com/<you>/wtc
.IP "" 0
.IP "\(bu" 4
Add the wtc function\.
.IP "" 0
.IP "" 4
function wtc \-d "Generate a random commit message"
switch "$argv"
case \-h \-\-help
printf "Usage: wtc [\-\-help]\en\en"
printf " \-h \-\-help Show usage help\en"
curl \-s whatthecommit\.com/index\.txt
.IP "" 0
.IP "\(bu" 4
Install the plugin\.
.IP "" 0
.IP "" 4
fisher install \.
(\e /)
(> <) Bunny approves these changes\.
.IP "" 0
.IP "\(bu" 4
Commit changes and push to your remote origin when you are done\.
.IP "" 0
.IP "" 4
git add \-\-all
git commit \-m "What the commit?"
git push origin master
.IP "" 0
To submit wtc to the official index\.
.IP "" 4
fisher install submit
fisher submit
.IP "" 0
This will create a PR in the Fisherman index repository\. Once the PR is approved, Fisherman users will be able to install wtc if they have the latest index\.
.IP "" 4
fisher install wtc
.IP "" 0
See \fBfisher help submit\fR for more submit options\.
Create a completions directory and add a completions file\.
.IP "" 4
mkdir completions
cat > completions/wtc\.fish
complete \-\-command wtc \-\-short h \-\-long help \-\-description "Show usage help"
.IP "" 0
Alternatively, use \fB__fisher_complete\fR to create completions from wtc usage output\.
.IP "" 4
wtc \-\-help | __fisher_complete wtc
.IP "" 0
Create a man/man1 directory and add a man(1) page for wtc\.
There are utilities that can help you generate man pages from various text formats\. For example, pandoc(1) and ronn(1)\.
To create a man page manually\.
.IP "" 4
mkdir \-p man/man1
cat > man/man1/wtc\.1
\.TH man 1 "Today" "1\.0" "wtc man page"
wtc \e\- Generate a random commit message
wtc [\-\-help]
\-h, \-\-help: Display help information\.
.IP "" 0
A plugin can list dependencies to other plugins using a \fIfishfile\fR\.
Create a new file in the root of your project and add the name or URL of your desired dependencies\.
.IP "" 4
cat > fishfile
.IP "" 0
Prompts, also known as themes, are plugins that modify the appearance of the shell prompt\.
Create a \fBfish_prompt\fR function\.
.IP "" 4
function fish_prompt
printf "%s (%s) >> " (prompt_pwd) Fisherman
~ (Fisherman) >> type here
.IP "" 0
To add a right prompt, create a \fBfish_right_prompt\fR function\.
.IP "" 4
function fish_right_prompt
printf "%s" (date +%H:%M:%S)
.IP "" 0
Save the functions to a directory and install the prompt as a plugin\.
.IP "" 4
mkdir my_prompt
cd my_prompt
functions fish_prompt > fish_prompt\.fish
functions fish_right_prompt > fish_right_prompt\.fish
fisher install \.
.IP "" 0
Commands are plugins that extend the Fisherman CLI adding new \fBfisher <commands>\fR\.
Create a function \fBfisher_<command>\fR
.IP "" 4
function fisher_time \-d "Say hello"
printf "It\'s %s\en" (date +%H:%M)
.IP "" 0
Test it works
.IP "" 4
fisher time
It\'s 6:30
.IP "" 0
Make it a plugin
.IP "" 4
fisher install fisher_time
.IP "" 0
This creates a new directory fisher_time in the current working directory and installs the plugin\.
The following example implements a command to format plugin information into columns\.
.IP "" 4
function fisher_info \-d "Display information about plugins"
switch "$argv"
case \-h \-\-help
printf "Usage: fisher info <name or URL> [\.\.\.]\en\en"
printf " \-h \-\-help Show usage help\en"
for item in $argv
fisher search $item \-\-name \-\-info
end | sed \-E \'s/;/: /\' | column
fisher install fisher_info
.IP "" 0
Snippets are plugins that run code at the start of the shell\. Snippets must be placed inside a sub directory named conf\.d\.
The following example implements the fish_postexec hook to display the runtime of the last command in milliseconds\.
.IP "" 4
mkdir \-p runtime/conf\.d
cd runtime
cat > conf\.d/fish_postexec\.fish
function fish_postexec \-\-on\-event fish_postexec
printf "%sms\en" $CMD_DURATION > /dev/stderr
fisher install \./postexec
.IP "" 0