function fisher_search -d "Search Plugins" set -l fields set -l query set -l index set -l join "||" set -l format set -l option set -l stdout /dev/stdout getopts $argv | while read -l 1 2 3 switch "$1" case fmt format set format "$2" case _ switch "$2" case \*/\* set -l url (__fisher_plugin_validate $2) if test ! -z "$url" set 2 $url end set query $query "url==\"$2\"" $join case \* set query $query "name==\"$2\"" $join end case name url info author if test -z "$2" set fields $fields $1 , else switch "$2" case ~\* set query $query "$1$3$2" $join case \* if test -z "$3" set 3 = end set query $query "$1$3=\"$2\"" $join end end case tag{,s} if test -z "$2" set fields $fields "tags(0)" , else set query $query "$3 tags(\"$2\")" $join end case a and set join "&&" case o or set join "||" case no-color set option no-color case query set query $query $2 case index set index $2 case q quiet set stdout /dev/null case h printf "Usage: fisher search [] [--format=] [--and|--or]\n" printf " [--no-color] [--quiet] [--help]\n\n" printf " -a --and Join query with AND operator\n" printf " -o --or Join query with OR operator\n" printf " --no-color Turn off color display\n" printf " --format= Use format to display results\n" printf " -q --quiet Enable quiet mode\n" printf " -h --help Show usage help\n" return case \* printf "fisher: '%s' is not a valid option.\n" $1 > /dev/stderr fisher_search -h > /dev/stderr return 1 end end if test -z "$index" set index $fisher_cache/.index set fisher_last_update (math (date +%s) - "0$fisher_last_update") if not set -q fisher_update_interval set -g fisher_update_interval 50 end if test $fisher_last_update -gt $fisher_update_interval -o ! -f $index debug "Update index start" if spin "__fisher_index_update" --error=/dev/null debug "Update index success" __fisher_complete_reset else debug "Update index fail" end end set -U fisher_last_update (date +%s) end set -e fields[-1] set -e query[-1] set -l options -v OFS=';' -v compact=1 if test -z "$fields[1]" set options -v OFS='\n' if test -z "$format" if test -z "$fish_search_format" set format default else set format "$fish_search_format" end end set -l name_color (set_color $fish_color_command) set -l url_color (set_color $fish_color_cwd -u) set -l tag_color (set_color $fish_color_cwd) set -l weak_color (set_color white) set -l author_color (set_color -u) set -l normal (set_color $fish_color_normal) if contains -- no-color $option set name_color set url_color set tag_color set weak_color set author_color set normal end set legend set local (fisher -l | awk ' !/^@/ { if (append) { printf("|") } printf("%s", substr($0, 2)) append++ } ' ) if test ! -z "$local" set legend " " end set fields 'if ("'"$local"'" && $1~/'"$local"'/) {' switch "$format" case default oneline set fields $fields ' printf("* '"$weak_color"'%-18s'"$normal"' %s\n", $1, $3) } else { printf("'"$legend$name_color"'%-18s'"$normal"' %s\n", $1, $3) } ' set options $options -v compact=1 case longline set fields $fields ' printf("%-40s * '"$weak_color"'%-18s'"$normal"' %s\n", humanize_url($2), $1, $3) } else { printf("'"$tag_color"'%-40s'"$normal"' '"$legend$name_color"'%-18s'"$normal"' %s\n", humanize_url($2), $1, $3) } ' set options $options -v compact=1 case short set fields $fields ' printf("'"$weak_color"'*%s by %s\n%s'"$normal"'\n%s\n", $1, $5, $3, humanize_url($2)) } else { printf("'"$name_color"'%s'"$normal"' by '"$author_color"'%s'"$normal"'\n%s\n'"$url_color"'%s'"$normal"'\n", $1, $5, $3, humanize_url($2)) } ' case verbose set fields $fields ' printf("'"$weak_color"'*%s by %s\n%s'"$normal"'\n%s\n%s\n", $1, $5, $3, $4, humanize_url($2)) } else { printf("'"$name_color"'%s'"$normal"' by '"$author_color"'%s'"$normal"'\n%s\n'"$tag_color"'%s'"$normal"'\n'"$url_color"'%s'"$normal"'\n", $1, $5, $3, $4, humanize_url($2)) } ' case raw set fields print end else if test "$fields" = author set options $options -v unique=1 end set fields print $fields end awk -v FS='\n' -v RS='' $options " function humanize_url(url) { gsub(\"(https?://)?(www.)?|/\$\", \"\", url) return url } function tags(tag, _list) { if (!tag) { for (i in tag_list) { if (!seen[tag_list[i]]++) { _list = tag_list[i] \"\n\" _list } } return substr(_list, 1, length(_list) - 1) } for (i in tag_list) { if (tag == tag_list[i]) { return 1 } } return 0 } { delete tag_list if (\$4) { split(\$4, tag_list, \" \") } name = \$1 url = \$2 info = \$3 author = \$5 } $query { if (has_records && !compact) { print \"\" } if (!shit[\$5] || !unique) { shit[\$5] = 1 $fields } has_records = 1 } END { exit !has_records } " $index > $stdout ^ /dev/null end