set -g fisher_version 3.0.5 type source >/dev/null; or function source; . $argv; end switch (command uname) case Darwin FreeBSD function _fisher_now -a elapsed command perl -MTime::HiRes -e 'printf("%.0f\n", (Time::HiRes::time() * 1000) - $ARGV[0])' $elapsed end case \* function _fisher_now -a elapsed command date "+%s%3N" | command awk "{ sub(/3N\$/,\"500\"); print \$0 - 0$elapsed }" end end function fisher -a cmd -d "fish package manager" if not command which curl >/dev/null echo "curl is required to use fisher -- install curl and try again" >&2 return 1 end test -z "$XDG_CACHE_HOME"; and set XDG_CACHE_HOME ~/.cache test -z "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME"; and set XDG_CONFIG_HOME ~/.config set -g fish_config $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/fish set -g fisher_cache $XDG_CACHE_HOME/fisher set -g fisher_config $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/fisher test -z "$fisher_path"; and set -g fisher_path $fish_config command mkdir -p {$fish_config,$fisher_path}/{functions,completions,conf.d} $fisher_cache if test ! -e "$fisher_path/completions/" echo "fisher self-complete" > $fisher_path/completions/ _fisher_self_complete end switch "$cmd" case self-complete _fisher_self_complete case ls _fisher_ls | command sed "s|$HOME|~|" case -v {,--}version _fisher_version (status -f) case -h {,--}help _fisher_help case self-update _fisher_self_update (status -f); or return _fisher_self_complete case self-uninstall _fisher_self_uninstall case add rm "" if test ! -z "$argv" if not isatty while read -l i set argv $argv $i end end end _fisher_commit $argv; or return _fisher_self_complete case \* echo "error: unknown flag or command \"$cmd\"" >&2 _fisher_help >&2 return 1 end end function _fisher_self_complete complete -c fisher --erase complete -xc fisher -n __fish_use_subcommand -a version -d "Show version" complete -xc fisher -n __fish_use_subcommand -a help -d "Show help" complete -xc fisher -n __fish_use_subcommand -a self-update -d "Update fisher" complete -xc fisher -n __fish_use_subcommand -a ls -d "List installed packages" complete -xc fisher -n __fish_use_subcommand -a rm -d "Remove packages" complete -xc fisher -n __fish_use_subcommand -a add -d "Add packages" for pkg in (_fisher_ls) complete -xc fisher -n "__fish_seen_subcommand_from rm" -a $pkg end end function _fisher_ls set -l pkgs $fisher_config/*/*/* for pkg in $pkgs command readlink $pkg; and continue; or echo $pkg end | command sed "s|$fisher_config/||;s|github\.com/||" end function _fisher_version -a file echo "fisher version $fisher_version $file" | command sed "s|$HOME|~|" end function _fisher_help echo "usage: fisher add add packages" echo " fisher rm remove packages" echo " fisher ls list installed packages" echo " fisher self-update update fisher" echo " fisher self-uninstall uninstall fisher & all packages" echo " fisher help show this help" echo " fisher version show version" echo echo "examples:" echo " fisher add jethrokuan/z rafaelrinaldi/pure" echo " fisher add" echo " fisher add ~/myfish/mypkg" echo " fisher rm rafaelrinaldi/pure" echo " fisher ls | fisher rm" end function _fisher_self_update -a file set -l url "" echo "fetching $url" >&2 curl -s "$url?nocache" >$file@ set -l next_version (awk 'NR == 1 { print $4; exit }' < $file@) switch "$next_version" case "" $fisher_version command rm -f $file@ if test -z "$next_version" echo "cannot update fisher -- are you offline?" >&2 return 1 end echo "fisher is already up-to-date" >&2 case \* echo "linking $file" | command sed "s|$HOME|~|" >&2 command mv -f $file@ $file source $file echo "updated fisher to $fisher_version -- hooray!" >&2 end end function _fisher_self_uninstall set -l current_pkgs $fisher_config/*/*/* for path in $fisher_cache (_fisher_pkg_remove_all $current_pkgs) $fisher_config $fisher_path/{functions,completions}/ $fish_config/fishfile echo "removing $path" command rm -rf $path 2>/dev/null end | command sed "s|$HOME|~|" >&2 set -e fisher_cache set -e fisher_config set -e fisher_path set -e fisher_version complete -c fisher --erase functions -e (functions -a | command awk '/^_fisher/') fisher echo "done -- see you again!" >&2 end function _fisher_commit set -l elapsed (_fisher_now) set -l current_pkgs $fisher_config/*/*/* set -l removed_pkgs (_fisher_pkg_remove_all $current_pkgs) command rm -rf $fisher_config command mkdir -p $fisher_config set -l fishfile $fish_config/fishfile if test ! -e "$fishfile" command touch $fishfile echo "created empty fishfile in $fishfile" | command sed "s|$HOME|~|" >&2 else if test -L "$fishfile" set fishfile (command readlink $fishfile) end _fisher_fishfile_indent (echo -s $argv\;) < $fishfile > $fishfile@ command mv -f $fishfile@ $fishfile command rm -f $fishfile@ set -l expected_pkgs (_fisher_fishfile_load < $fishfile) set -l added_pkgs (_fisher_pkg_fetch_all $expected_pkgs) set -l updated_pkgs ( for pkg in $removed_pkgs set pkg (echo $pkg | command sed "s|$fisher_config/||") if contains -- $pkg $added_pkgs echo $pkg end end) if test -z "$added_pkgs$updated_pkgs$removed_pkgs$expected_pkgs" echo "nothing to commit -- try adding some packages" >&2 return 1 end echo (count $added_pkgs) (count $updated_pkgs) (count $removed_pkgs) (_fisher_now $elapsed) | _fisher_status_report >&2 end function _fisher_pkg_remove_all for pkg in $argv echo $pkg _fisher_pkg_uninstall $pkg end end function _fisher_pkg_fetch_all set -l pkg_jobs set -l local_pkgs set -l actual_pkgs set -l expected_pkgs for name in $argv switch $name case \~\* /\* set -l path (echo "$name" | command sed "s|~|$HOME|") if test -e "$path" set local_pkgs $local_pkgs $path else echo "cannot install \"$name\" -- is this a valid file?" >&2 end continue case https://\* ssh://\* {github,gitlab}.com/\*\* case \*/\* set name "$name" case \* echo "cannot install \"$name\" without a prefix -- should be /$name" >&2 continue end echo $name | command awk '{ split($0, tmp, /@/) pkg = tmp[1] tag = tmp[2] ? tmp[2] : "master" name = tmp[split(pkg, tmp, "/")] print (\ pkg ~ /^github\.com/ ? "https://codeload."pkg"/tar.gz/"tag : \ pkg ~ /^gitlab\.com/ ? "https://"pkg"/-/archive/"tag"/"name"-"tag".tar.gz" : \ pkg ~ /^bitbucket\.org/ ? "https://"pkg"/get/"tag".tar.gz" : pkg \ ) "\t" pkg }' | read -l url pkg if test ! -d "$fisher_config/$pkg" fish -c " echo fetching $url >&2 command mkdir -p \"$fisher_config/$pkg\" if curl -Ss $url 2>&1 | tar -xzf- -C \"$fisher_config/$pkg\" --strip-components=1 2>/dev/null command mkdir -p \"$fisher_cache/$pkg\" command cp -Rf \"$fisher_config/$pkg\" \"$fisher_cache/$pkg/..\" else if test -d \"$fisher_cache/$pkg\" echo cannot connect to server -- using data from \"$fisher_cache/$pkg\" | command sed 's|$HOME|~|' >&2 command cp -Rf \"$fisher_cache/$pkg\" \"$fisher_config/$pkg/..\" else command rm -rf \"$fisher_config/$pkg\" echo cannot install \"$pkg\" -- are you offline\? >&2 end " >/dev/null & set pkg_jobs $pkg_jobs (_fisher_jobs --last) set expected_pkgs $expected_pkgs "$pkg" end end if test ! -z "$pkg_jobs" _fisher_wait $pkg_jobs for pkg in $expected_pkgs if test -d "$fisher_config/$pkg" set actual_pkgs $actual_pkgs $pkg _fisher_pkg_install $fisher_config/$pkg end end end for pkg in $local_pkgs set -l path "local/$USER" set -l name (echo "$pkg" | command sed 's|^.*/||') command mkdir -p $fisher_config/$path command ln -sf $pkg $fisher_config/$path set actual_pkgs $actual_pkgs $path/$name _fisher_pkg_install $fisher_config/$path/$name end if test ! -z "$actual_pkgs" _fisher_pkg_fetch_all (_fisher_pkg_get_deps $actual_pkgs | command sort --unique) printf "%s\n" $actual_pkgs end end function _fisher_pkg_get_deps for pkg in $argv set -l path $fisher_config/$pkg if test ! -d "$path" echo $pkg else if test -s "$path/fishfile" _fisher_pkg_get_deps (_fisher_fishfile_indent < $path/fishfile | _fisher_fishfile_load) end end end function _fisher_pkg_install -a pkg set -l name (echo $pkg | command sed "s|^.*/||") set -l files $pkg/{functions,completions,conf.d}/* $pkg/*.fish for source in $files set -l target (echo "$source" | command sed 's|^.*/||') switch $source case $pkg/conf.d\* set target $fisher_path/conf.d/$target case $pkg/completions\* set target $fisher_path/completions/$target case $pkg/{functions,}\* switch $target case continue case set target $fisher_path/conf.d/$name\_$target case \* set target $fisher_path/functions/$target end end echo "linking $target" | command sed "s|$HOME|~|" >&2 command ln -f $source $target switch $target case \*.fish source $target >/dev/null 2>/dev/null end end end function _fisher_pkg_uninstall -a pkg set -l name (echo $pkg | command sed "s|^.*/||") set -l files $pkg/{conf.d,completions,functions}/* $pkg/*.fish for source in $files set -l target (echo "$source" | command sed 's|^.*/||') set -l filename (echo "$target" | command sed 's|.fish||') switch $source case $pkg/conf.d\* test "$" = "$target"; and emit "$filename"_uninstall set target conf.d/$target case $pkg/completions\* test "$" = "$target"; and complete -ec $filename set target completions/$target case $pkg/{,functions}\* test "$" = "$target"; and functions -e $filename switch $target case source $source continue case set target conf.d/$name\_$target case \* set target functions/$target end end command rm -f $fisher_path/$target end if not functions -q fish_prompt source "$__fish_datadir/functions/" end end function _fisher_fishfile_indent -a pkgs command awk -v PWD=$PWD -v HOME=$HOME -v PKGS="$pkgs" ' function normalize(s) { gsub(/^[ \t]*|[ \t]*$|^https?:\/\/|github\.com\/|\.git$|\/$/, "", s) sub(/^\.\//, PWD"/", s) sub(HOME, "~", s) return s } function get_pkg_name(s) { split(s, tmp, /[@# ]+/) return tmp[1] } BEGIN { pkg_count = split(PKGS, pkgs, ";") - 1 cmd = pkgs[1] for (i = 2; i <= pkg_count; i++) { pkg_ids[i - 1] = get_pkg_name( pkgs[i] = normalize(pkgs[i]) ) } } { if (NF) { nl = nl > 0 ? "" : nl pkg_id = get_pkg_name( $0 = normalize($0) ) if (/^#/) print nl$0 else if (!seen[pkg_id]++) { for (i = 1; i < pkg_count; i++) { if (pkg_ids[i] == pkg_id) { if (cmd == "rm") next $0 = pkgs[i + 1] break } } print nl$0 } nl = NF } else if (nl) nl = (nl > 0 ? "" : nl)"\n" } END { if (cmd == "rm" || pkg_count <= 1) exit for (i = 2; i <= pkg_count; i++) { if (!seen[pkg_ids[i - 1]]) print pkgs[i] } } ' end function _fisher_fishfile_load command awk -v FS=\# '!/^#/ && NF { print $1 }' end function _fisher_status_report command awk ' function msg(res, str, n) { return (res ? res ", " : "") str " " n " package" (n > 1 ? "s" : "") } $1 = $1 - $2 { res = msg(res, "added", $1) } $2 { res = msg(res, "updated", $2) } $3 = $3 - $2 { res = msg(res, "removed", $3) } { printf((res ? res : "done") " in %.2fs\n", ($4 / 1000)) } ' end function _fisher_jobs jobs $argv | command awk -v FS=\t ' /[0-9]+\t/ { jobs[++n] = $1 } END { for (i in jobs) print(jobs[i]) exit n == 0 } ' end function _fisher_wait while for job in $argv contains -- $job (_fisher_jobs); and break end end end