Jorge Bucaran 6c5cac3a18
Ahoy! Fisherman 1.4.0 has shipped.
Notable changes:

+ Now fisher list does not show plugins that are disabled,
  but available in the cache. To preview these items use
  fisher list --disabled.

+ Welcome aboard @orangecms and @xrain0610.

+ Fisherman is now available in AUR, thanks @orangecms.

+ Fix load order during installation. Now snippets can
  safely invoke functions defined in the plugin function
  directory. Thanks @orangecms. #170.

+ Fisherman **installs and updates plugins ⌁concurrently**.
  Performance may vary, but if you can see 5 to 10 times
  faster network times, it's working well.
2016-03-31 02:42:44 +09:00

226 lines
3.7 KiB

.\" generated with Ronn/v0.7.3
.TH "FISHER\-SEARCH" "1" "February 2016" "" "fisherman"
\fBfisher\-search\fR \- Search plugin index
fisher search [\fIplugins\fR \.\.\.]
fisher search [\-\-name|\-\-url|\-\-info|\-\-tag|\-\-author]
fisher search [\-\-and] [\-\-or] [\-\-quiet] [\-\-help]
fisher search [\-\-long|\-\-full] [\-\-no\-color]
fisher search [\-\-query=\fIfield\fR[&&,||]\fIfield\fR\.\.\.]
fisher search \fIurl\fR
fisher search \fIname\fR
fisher search \fIowner/repo\fR
fisher search \fIquery\fR
Search plugins in the Fisherman index\.
.IP "" 4
fisher search
* debug Conditional debug logger
errno POSIX error code/string translator
* fishtape TAP producing test runner
flash Flash\-inspired, thunder prompt
fzf Efficient keybindings for fzf
get Press any key to continue
> superman Powerline prompt based on Superman
.IP "" 0
Get detailed information about a plugin\.
.IP "" 4
fisher search superman
> superman by bucaran
Powerline prompt based on Superman
.IP "" 0
Search plugins using tags\.
.IP "" 4
fisher search \-\-tag={git,test}
* fishtape TAP producing test runner
git\-branch\-name Get the name of the current Git branch
git\-is\-repo Test if the current directory is a Git repo
git\-is\-dirty Test if there are changes not staged for commit
git\-is\-stashed Test if there are changes in the stash
.IP "" 0
The legend consists of:
\fB*\fR Indicate the plugin is currently installed
\fB>\fR Indicate the plugin is a prompt
\fB@\fR Indicate the plugin is a symbolic link
Display index records where \fIfield\fR equals \fImatch\fR\. \fIfield\fR can be any of name, url, info, tag/s or author\. If \fImatch\fR is not given, display only the given \fIfield\fR from every record in the index\. Use != to negate the query\.
Same as \-\-\fIfield\fR[=\fImatch\fR], but using Regular Expressions\. Use !~ to negate the query\.
Display results in long format\.
Display results in full format\.
Turn off color display\.
\-a, \-\-and
Join the query with a logical AND operator\.
\-o, \-\-or
Join the query with a logical OR operator\. This is the default operator\.
\-q, \-\-quiet
Enable quiet mode\.
\-h, \-\-help
Show help\.
Search prints results records in the same line, when using one or more of the following options: \-\-name, \-\-url, \-\-info, \-\-tags, \-\-author\. This allows you to parse search results easily\.
.IP "" 4
fisher search shark \-\-name \-\-url \-\-author
.IP "" 0
.IP "\(bu" 4
Display plugins by name and format the result into multiple columns\.
.IP "" 0
.IP "" 4
fisher search \-\-name | column
.IP "" 0
.IP "\(bu" 4
Display plugins by URL, remove \fIhttps://github\.com/\fR and format into multiple columns\.
.IP "" 0
.IP "" 4
fisher search \-\-url | sed \'s|https://github\.com/||\' | column
.IP "" 0
.IP "\(bu" 4
Display remote plugins, i\.e, those in the index, but \fInot\fR in the cache\.
.IP "" 0
.IP "" 4
fisher search \-\-and \-\-name!=(fisher \-\-list=bare)
.IP "" 0
.IP "\(bu" 4
Search all plugins whose name does not start with the letter s\.
.IP "" 0
.IP "" 4
fisher search \-\-name!~/^s/
.IP "" 0