Jorge Bucaran 8384bf3aa7
Ahoy!! Fisherman 1.0.0
* Deprecate fisher --list in favor of a new command
  fisher list. The behavior is roughly the same. See
  fisher help list for usage. tl;dr: Use list to query
  the local system / cache and search to query the index.

* Teach fisher_plugin_walk about fish_postexec,
  fish_command_not_found and fish_preexec event emitters
  and erase them during uninstall if they were defined in
  a snippet.

* Fisherman now recognizes the following aliases by default:
  i for install, u for update, l for list, s for search and
  h for help.

* Rewrite documentation to be simpler and more consistent.

* Fisherman can install "functions" now. If you have created
  a function interactively, you can run fisher install name
  of the function and a directory will be created in
  $PWD/name of the function and installed as usual.

* Fisherman now detects if users have modified their fish
  prompt using fish_config and if so, uninstalls $fisher_prompt.

* Search results now truncate plugin descriptions based in
 the width of the terminal screen.

* Install/Update/Uninstall CLI was retouched.

Looking behind and Ahead

On Jan, 1st, Fisherman 0.1.0 departed from the bay of
"my hard drive" and today 1.0.0 has finally shipped.

Things are still a little rough and knotty, what did
you think? But 1.0.0 means all the basic things are

Internally, we may still push some large changes, more
robust tests; at ~300 there are still areas a bit dry.

On the outside, Fisherman will change little, I hope.
That's a feature. If you want a more colorful CLI,
concurrent updates, or another bit here and there,
we may work something out.

This release means more time to focus on the plugin
ecosystem, but the adventures are far from over.
2016-03-01 18:02:38 +09:00

81 lines
2 KiB

function fisher_help -d "Show help"
if not set -q argv[1]
man fisher
set -l option
set -l value
getopts $argv | while read -l 1 2
switch "$1"
case _
set option man
set value $2
case a all
set option guides commands
set value $2
case g guides
set option $option guides
set value $2
case commands
set option $option commands
set value $2
case usage
set option usage
set value $value $2
case h
printf "Usage: fisher help [<keyword>] [--all] [--guides] [--help]\n\n"
printf " -a --all List all the documentation\n"
printf " -g --guides List available guides\n"
printf " -h --help Show usage help\n"
case \*
printf "fisher: '%s' is not a valid option.\n" $1 > /dev/stderr
fisher_help -h > /dev/stderr
return 1
if not set -q option[1]
set option commands
switch "$option"
case man
set -l value (printf "%s\n" $value | awk '{ print tolower($0) }')
switch "$value"
case me fisher fisherman
man fisher
case \*
man fisher-$value
case usage
__fisher_help_usage $value
case \*
if test "$value" != bare
fisher --help=$option
if contains -- commands $option
if contains -- guides $option
end | sed 's/^/ /;s/;/'\t'/' | column -ts\t