A plugin manager for Fish
Go to file
2016-04-08 18:00:06 +09:00
completions Bring spin back to avoid installing issues. Spin for everyone. 2016-03-31 03:19:44 +09:00
functions Fix broken index URL link. 2016-04-06 09:45:25 +09:00
man/man1 Bring spin back to avoid installing issues. Spin for everyone. 2016-03-31 03:19:44 +09:00
test Update useless test case. 2016-03-31 03:33:25 +09:00
.editorconfig Ahoy! Fisherman and Happy New Year 2016. 2016-01-02 06:12:40 +09:00
.gitignore Ahoy! Fisherman and Happy New Year 2016. 2016-01-02 06:12:40 +09:00
.travis.yml Fisherman 1.0 RC 2016-02-29 23:13:29 +09:00
CHANGELOG.md Ahoy! Fisherman 1.4.0 has shipped. 2016-03-31 02:42:44 +09:00
CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md Fisherman 1.0 RC 2016-02-29 23:13:29 +09:00
config.fish Ahoy! We are getting close to 0.8.0 2016-02-14 13:17:47 +09:00
CONTRIBUTING.md Update. 2016-03-26 14:56:59 +09:00
LICENSE Ahoy! Fisherman and Happy New Year 2016. 2016-01-02 06:12:40 +09:00
Makefile Close #149, #150. 2016-03-09 13:24:47 +09:00
README.md Remove plugin examples as they are not really Fisherman specific. 2016-04-08 18:00:06 +09:00
THANKS.md Add @orangecms. 2016-03-26 14:56:44 +09:00
VERSION 1.4.0 2016-03-31 02:45:22 +09:00

Build Status Fisherman Version Slack Room


Fisherman is a blazing fast, parallel plugin manager for fish.

curl -sL get.fisherman.sh | fish


Install instructions for fish can be found here.



curl -sL get.fisherman.sh | fish

See other install options.


The Fisherman CLI consists of: install, update, uninstall, list, search and help and the following aliases: i for install, u for update, l for list, s for search and h for help.


  • Install plugins.
fisher i fishtape shark get bobthefish
  • Install Oh My Fish! plugins.
fisher i omf/plugin-{percol,jump,fasd}
  • Install a plugin from a local directory.
fisher i ./path/to/plugin
  • Install a plugin from various URLs.
fisher i https://github.com/some/plugin another/plugin bb:one/more
  • Install a plugin from a Gist.
fisher i gist.github.com/owner/1f40e1c6e0551b2666b2
  • Update everything.
fisher u
  • Update plugins.
fisher u shark get
  • Uninstall plugins.
fisher uninstall fishtape debug
  • Get help.
fisher h

The list command displays all the plugins you have installed. The search command queries the index to show what's available to install.

List installed plugins.

fisher list
> superman
@ wipe

Search the index.

fisher search
* debug        Conditional debug logger
  errno        POSIX error code/string translator
* fishtape     TAP producing test runner
  flash        Flash-inspired, thunder prompt
  fzf          Efficient keybindings for fzf
  get          Press any key to continue
> superman     Powerline prompt based on Superman

Query the index using regular expressions.

fisher search --name~/git-is/
git-is-dirty       Test if there are changes not staged for commit
git-is-empty       Test if a repository is empty
git-is-repo        Test if the current directory is a Git repo
git-is-staged      Test if there are changes staged for commit
git-is-stashed     Test if there are changes in the stash
git-is-touched     Test if there are changes in the working tree

Search using tags.

fisher search --tag={git,test}
  * fishtape         TAP producing test runner
  git-branch-name    Get the name of the current Git branch
  git-is-dirty       Test if there are changes not staged for commit
  git-is-empty       Test if a repository is empty
  git-is-repo        Test if the current directory is a Git repo
  git-is-staged      Test if there are changes staged for commit
  git-is-stashed     Test if there are changes in the stash
  git-is-touched     Test if there are changes in the working tree

The legend consists of:

  • > The plugin is a prompt
  • * The plugin is installed
  • @ The plugin is a symbolic link


Fisherman commands are pipe aware. Plumb one with another to create complex functionality.

Update plugins installed as symbolic links.

fisher list --link | fisher update -

Enable all the plugins currently disabled.

fisher list --disabled | fisher install

Uninstall all the plugins and remove them from the cache.

fisher list | fisher uninstall --force


When you install a plugin, Fisherman updates the fishfile to track what plugins are currently enabled.

  • Customize the location of the fishfile.
set -g fisher_file ~/.dotfiles/fishfile

Flat Tree

Fisherman merges the directory trees of all the plugins it installs into a single flat tree. Since the flat tree is loaded only once at the start of the shell, Fisherman performs equally well, regardless of the number of plugins installed.

The following illustrates an example Fisherman configuration path with a single plugin and prompt.

├── cache
├── completions
│   └── my_plugin.fish
├── conf.d
│   └── my_plugin.fish
├── fishfile
├── functions
│   ├── fish_prompt.fish
│   ├── fish_right_prompt.fish
│   └── my_plugin.fish
└── man
    └── man1
        └── my_plugin.1


The index is a plain text database that lists Fisherman official plugins.

The index lists records, each consisting the fields: name, url, info, one or more tags and author.

Pure-fish z directory jumping
z search cd jump

If you have a plugin you would like to submit to the index, use the submit plugin.

fisher install submit
fisher submit my_plugin description tags url

Or, submit the plugin manually by creating a pull request in the index repository.

git clone https://github.com/fisherman/fisher-index
cd index
echo "$name\n$url\n$info\n$tags\n$author\n\n" >> index
git push origin master


  • $fisher_home: The home directory. If you installed Fisherman using the recommended method, the location ought to be XDG_DATA_HOME/fisherman.

  • $fisher_config: The configuration directory. This is default location of your fishfile, key_bindings.fish, cache, functions, completions and conf.d directories. XDG_CONFIG_HOME/fisherman by default.

  • $fisher_file: See fishfile above.

  • $fisher_cache: The cache directory. Plugins are downloaded to this location.

  • $fisher_alias command=alias ...: Use this variable to create aliases of Fisherman commands.