Jorge Bucaran 5f97e4639e Introducting Fisherman's official website:

Still a WIP. Powered by Jekyll and hosted by GitHub

* Refactor fisher install / fisher uninstall by
extracting the logic to enable / disable plugins
into __fisher_plugin. The algorithm to enable/disable
plugins is essentially the same. The only difference
is enable, copies/symlinks files and disable removes
them from $fisher_config/.... Closes #45.

* Add support for legacy oh-my-fish! plugins using
.load initialization files. Closes #35.

* Add support for Tackle Fish framework initialization
modules. Closes #35.

* Add support for plugins that share scripts in
languages like Python or Perl. For example
oh-my-fish/plugin-vi-mode assumes there is a file in the same path of the running
script. This opens the door for including code
snippets in other languages.

* Any files inside a share directory, except for *.md
or *.fish files, are copied to $fisher_config/functions.
This allows you to run legacy plugins that retrieve
the currently running script path with (dirname
(status -f)) out of the box.

* A cleaner alternative is using the new $fisher_share
variable like this: python

* $fisher_share points to $fisher_config/share by
default, but you may change this in your user This path contains copies (or symbolic
links) to the same script files copied to

* Introduce the $fisher_share_extensions variable to
let you customize what extensions Fisherman is aware
of. Only extensions in this array will be processed
during the install process. The default is py rb php
pl awk sed.

* .fish and .md extensions are always ignored.

* Remove ad-hoc debug d function created by mistake
in the Fisherman file. Closes #34.

* Remove almost useless fisher --alias. You can still
create aliases using $fisher_alias. It's difficult
to add auto-complete to this feature, and even if
we do so, it is slow.

* Fix bug introduced in the previous release caused
by swapping the lines that calculate the index of
the current plugin being installed/updated/uninstalled
and the line that displays the value, causing the
CLI to show incorrect values. Closes #36. Thanks

* Add cache, enabled and disabled options to fisher
--list. Now you can type fisher -l enabled to get a
list of what plugins are currently enabled.

* Add new $fisher_plugins universal variable to keep
track of what plugins are enabled / disabled.

* Update completions after a plugin is installed,
updated or uninstalled.

* Improve autocomplete speed by removing the descriptions
from plugins installed with custom URLs.

* fisher --list displays nothing and returns 1 when
there are no plugins installed. Closes #38.

* fisher uninstall does not attempt to uninstall plugins
already disabled by looking at the $fisher_plugins
array. --force will bypass this. Closes #40
2016-01-12 05:00:34 +09:00

109 lines
2.7 KiB

function fisher_uninstall -d "Uninstall Plugins"
set -l error /dev/stderr
set -l items
set -l option
getopts $argv | while read -l 1 2
switch "$1"
case _
set items $items $2
case f force
set option $option force
case q quiet
set error /dev/null
case help
set option help
case h
printf "usage: fisher uninstall [<plugins>] [--force] [--quiet] [--help]\n\n"
printf " -f --force Delete copy from cache \n"
printf " -q --quiet Enable quiet mode \n"
printf " -h --help Show usage help \n"
case \*
printf "fisher: Ahoy! '%s' is not a valid option\n" $1 >& 2
fisher_uninstall -h >& 2
return 1
switch "$option"
case help
fisher help uninstall
set -l time (date +%s)
set -l count 0
set -l index 1
set -l total (count $items)
if set -q items[1]
printf "%s\n" $items
__fisher_file /dev/stdin
end | __fisher_validate | __fisher_resolve_plugin $error | while read -l path
set -l name (printf "%s\n" $path | __fisher_name)
if not contains -- $name $fisher_plugins
if not contains -- force $option
printf "Uninstalling " > $error
switch $total
case 0 1
printf ">> %s\n" $name > $error
case \*
printf "(%s of %s) >> %s\n" $index $total $name > $error
set index (math $index + 1)
__fisher_plugin --disable $name $path
git -C $path ls-remote --get-url ^ /dev/null | __fisher_validate | read -l url
switch force
case $option
rm -rf $path
set count (math $count + 1)
set -l file $fisher_config/fishfile
if not __fisher_file $file | grep -Eq "^$name\$|^$url\$"
set -l tmp (mktemp -t fisher.XXX)
if not sed -E '/^ *'(printf "%s|%s" $name $url | sed 's|/|\\\/|g'
)'([ #].*)*$/d' < $file > $tmp
rm -f $tmp
printf "fisher: Could not remove '%s' from %s\n" $name $file > $error
return 1
mv -f $tmp $file
set time (math (date +%s) - $time)
if test $count = 0
printf "No plugins were uninstalled.\n" > $error
return 1
printf "Aye! %d plugin/s uninstalled in %0.fs\n" > $error $count $time