Jorge Bucaran ee0338d5b0
Ahoy! Fisherman gets a super patch v0.3.1
This patch contains several amends for 0.3.0 and
other minor documentation corrections.  Major
documentation revision and rewrite.

fisher help shows fisher(1) by default now.

Fix a critical bug that was causing fisher uninstall
--force to remove not the symbolic link, but the
actual files. Closes #24

Rename orphan tag to custom for plugins installed
using a custom URL.

warning Remove fisher --link flag and create symbolic
links by default for local paths. The user does not
have to worry about symbolic links or whether the
copy is as symbolic link or not anymore. If the user
tries to install a local path, then the best thing
to do is to create a symbolic link. This also
eliminates the need to call update.

warning Remove fisher --cache and fisher --validate.
Now, that these options are separated into their own
function and they are intentionally private, there
is no need for them.
2016-01-10 16:13:46 +09:00

131 lines
2.7 KiB

.\" generated with Ronn/v0.7.3
.TH "WAIT" "1" "January 2016" "" "fisherman"
\fBwait\fR \- Run commands and wait with a spin
\fBwait\fR \fIcommands\fR [\fB\-\-spin\fR=\fIarc\fR|\fIstar\fR|\fIpipe\fR|\fIball\fR|\fIflip\fR|\fImixer\fR|\fIcaret\fR|\fIbar1~3\fR]
\fBwait\fR \fIcommands\fR [\fB\-\-time\fR=interval] [\fB\-\-log\fR=file] [\fB\-\-format\fR=format] [\fB\-\-help\fR]
Run \fIcommands\fR as a background process and wait until the job has finished\. Any output to standard error indicates \fBwait\fR to return \fB1\fR once is done\. While it waits, a customizable spinner is displayed in the command line\.
\fB\-s \-\-spin=style|string\fR
Set spinner style\. See \fBStyles\fR for a list of styles and instructions on how to use your own character sequences, progress bar usage, etc\.
\fB\-t \-\-time=interval\fR
Set spinner transition time delay in \fIseconds\fR\. A large value will refresh the spinner more slowly\. You may use decimal numbers to represent smaller numbers\.
\fB\-l \-\-log=file\fR
Output standard error to given \fIfile\fR\.
\fB\-f \-\-format=format\fR
Use given \fIformat\fR to display the spinner\. The default format is \fB"\er@"\fR where \fB@\fR represents the spinner token and \fB\er\fR a carriage return, used to refresh / erase the line\.
\fB\-h \-\-help\fR
Show usage help\.
The following styles are supported via \fB\-\-spin=style\fR:
.IP "\(bu" 4
arc, star, pipe, ball, flip, mixer, caret
.IP "\(bu" 4
.IP "" 0
In addition to the default styles, you can specify a string of character tokens to be used each per spinner refresh cycle\.
For example \fB\-\-spin=12345\fR will display the numbers from 1 to 5, and \fB\-\-spin=\. \-\-format=@\fR an increasing sequence of dots\.
Display a progress bar with a percent indicator using \fB\-\-spin=bar1~3\fR:
.IP "\(bu" 4
bar1: [=====] \fInum\fR%
.IP "\(bu" 4
bar2: [#####] \fInum\fR%
.IP "\(bu" 4
bar3: \.\.\.\.\.\.\. \fInum\fR%
.IP "" 0
You can customize the appearance as follows:
.IP "" 4
\-\-spin=bar:<opening token><fill token><empty slot token><closing token>[%]
.IP "" 0
For example:
.IP "" 4
.IP "" 0
Run a lengthy operation as a background job and display a spinning pipe character until it is finished\.
.IP "" 4
wait \-\-spin=pipe "curl \-sS $URL"
.IP "" 0
Output any errors to \fIdebug\.txt\fR\.
.IP "" 4
if not wait \-\-spin=pipe \-\-log=debug\.txt "curl \-sS $URL"
return 1
.IP "" 0