Jorge Bucaran 04246b5ea7
2016-02-20 22:19:25 +09:00

130 lines
2.3 KiB

.\" generated with Ronn/v0.7.3
.TH "GETOPTS" "1" "February 2016" "" "fisherman"
\fBgetopts\fR \- Parse CLI options
\fBgetopts\fR [\fIoptions\fR \.\.\.]
\fBgetopts\fR [\fIoptions\fR \.\.\.] \fB|\fR \fBwhile\fR read \-l key value; \.\.\.; \fBend\fR
\fBGetopts\fR is a command line options parser for fish\.
The best way to understand how getopts work is by studying a basic example\.
.IP "" 4
getopts \-ab1 \-\-foo=bar baz
.IP "" 0
And its output\.
.IP "" 4
b 1
foo bar
_ baz
.IP "" 0
The items on the left represent the option flags or \fIkeys\fR associated with the CLI\. The items on the right are the option \fIvalues\fR\. The underscore \fB_\fR character is the default \fIkey\fR for arguments without a key\.
Use read(1) to process the generated stream and switch(1) to match patterns:
.IP "" 4
getopts \-ab1 \-\-foo=bar baz | while read \-l key option
switch $key
case _
case a
case b
case foo
.IP "" 0
The following is a mock of fish(1) CLI\.
.IP "" 4
function fish
set \-l mode
set \-l flags
set \-l commands
set \-l debug_level
getopts $argv | while read \-l key value
switch $key
case c command
set commands $commands $value
case d debug\-level
set debug_level $value
case i interactive
set mode $value
case l login
set mode $value
case n no\-execute
set mode $value
case p profile
set flags $flags $value
case h help
printf "Usage: $_ [OPTIONS] [\-c command] [FILE [ARGUMENTS\.\.\.]]\en"
case \e*
printf "$_: \'%s\' is not a valid option\.\en" $key
return 1
# Implementation
.IP "" 0
.IP "\(bu" 4
A double dash, \fB\-\-\fR, marks the end of options\. Arguments after this sequence are placed in the default underscore key, \fB_\fR\.
.IP "" 0
Jorge Bucaran \fIj@bucaran\.me\fR\.