Jorge Bucaran 9a4f0f0650
Fisherman v0.2.0
* Improved README, added links to screencasts, updated
documentation with new changes and fixed other typos and
composition errors.

* Removed `fisher update --cache` in favor of
`fisher --cache | fisher update` and
`fisher uninstall --all` in favor of
`fisher --cache | fisher uninstall`.

* Fisherman does not move initialization / configuration
files following the convention `name` to
`$fisher_config/functions`, but to `$fisher_config/conf.d`
now and evaluates  each `*` inside at shell
start as usual. Closes #13.

* Added `fisher --cache[=base]` option to retrieve contents
in `$fisher_cache`, eliminating flaky usage of `find(1)`.
Closes #11.

* Fisherman now generates information about plugins installed
via custom URLs. For the description, a shortened version of
the URL is used. For the URL the full URL is used. For tags,
the URL is fuzzily checked and tags such as _theme_, _plugin_,
_config_ and _omf_ are added. The tag _orphan_ is added by
default as well. Finally, the author is generated by
retrieving the e-mail or username of the author of the
first commit in the plugin's repository. Closes #9 and #14.

* Changed `--path-in-cache` to `--translate.` This function
translates an name or supported URL/URL variation into a path
inside `$fisher_cache`. This allows you to treat plugins
installed via custom URLs almost like regular plugins if they
are installed. Closes #8.

* Fixed a bug with `mktemp` failing on some systems.
Closes #7. Thanks @tobywf.

* Added [CODE_OF_CONDUCT][code_of_conduct]. Closes #6.

* Fisherman can now unload themes within the same shell,
without having to restart the session. Closes #5.

* Fisherman can now load themes within the same shell,
without having to restart the session using `exec fish`.
Shoddy themes, for example those failing to declare global
variables with the `-g` flag still require the session to
be reset. See [**related**][bobthefish-19]. Closes #4.

* Move `getopts` implementation to `share/getopts.awk`.
Closes #3.

* Support dots inside URIs in `fisher --validate`.
Closes #2.
2016-01-05 06:05:11 +09:00

230 lines
6.4 KiB

function fisher_search -d "Search Fisherman Index"
set -l select all
set -l fields
set -l join "||"
set -l query
set -l quiet 0
set -l index
getopts $argv | while read -l 1 2 3
switch "$1"
case _ name url info author tag{,s}
switch "$1"
case _
switch "$2"
case \*/\*
set 1 url
set -l url (fisher --validate=$2)
if not test -z "$url"
set 2 $url
case \*
set 1 name
case tag{,s}
set 1 "find(tags, \"$2\")"
if test -z "$2"
set 1 "show(tags)"
switch "$2"
case ""
set fields $fields $1
case {~,!~}\*
set 2 "$3$2"
case \?\*
if test "$3" = !
set 2 "!=\"$2\""
set 2 "==\"$2\""
set query "$query$join$1$2"
case s select
set select $2
case f field{,s}
switch "$2"
case T tag{,s}
set 2 "show(tags)"
set fields $fields $2
case a and
set join "&&"
case o or
set join "||"
case Q query
set query $query $2
case index
set index $2
case q quiet
set quiet 1
case h help
printf "usage: fisher search [<name or url>] [--select=<source>] [--field=<field>]\n"
printf " [--or|--and] [--quiet] [--help]\n\n"
printf " -s --select=<source> Select all, cache or remote plugins \n"
printf " -f --field=<field> Filter by name, url, info, tag or author \n"
printf " -a --and Join query with AND operator \n"
printf " -o --or Join query with OR operator \n"
printf " -q --quiet Enable quiet mode \n"
printf " -h --help Show usage help \n"
case \*
printf "fisher: '%s' is not a valid option\n" $1 >& 2
fisher_search --help >& 2
return 1
if test -z "$fields[1]"
set fields '$0'
set fields (printf "%s\n" $fields | paste -sd, -)
set query (printf "%s\n" $query | sed -E 's/^[\|&]+//')
switch "$select"
case all
if test -z "$index"
set index $fisher_cache/.index
if test -s $fisher_index
set index $fisher_index
fisher_update --quiet --index
if not test -s $index
printf "fisher: '%s' invalid path or url\n" $index >& 2
return 1
set -l cache (fisher --cache=base)
awk -v FS='\n' -v RS='' -v cache_items="$cache" '
split(cache_items, cache, " ")
/^ *#/ { next } {
for (i in cache) {
if (cache[i] == $1) {
delete cache[i]
for (i in cache) {
printf("%s\n", cache[i])
' $index | while read -l orphan
git -C $fisher_cache/$orphan ls-remote --get-url \
| read -l url
printf "%s\n" $url \
| sed -E '
s|^/||' \
| read -l info
git -C $fisher_cache/$orphan show -s --format='%ae;%an' (
git -C $fisher_cache/$orphan rev-list --max-parents=0 HEAD) \
| awk -v FS=';' '{ printf("%s\n", ($1 ? $1 : $2 ? $2 : "unknown")) }' \
| read -l author
set -l tags orphan
for tag in theme plugin oh-my-fish config
if printf "%s" "$url" | grep -q $tag
switch "$tag"
case oh-my-fish
set tag omf
set tags $tag $tags
printf "\n%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n\n" "$orphan" "$url" "$info" "$tags" "$author"
cat $index
case remote
fisher_search --index=$index --and --name!=(fisher --cache=base)
case cache
fisher --cache=base | read -laz cache
if test -z "$cache"
return 1
fisher_search --index=$index --select=all --name=$cache
end | awk -F'\n' -v RS='' -v OFS=';' (
if test "$fields" = '$0'
printf "%s\nORS=%s" -v '\\n\\n'
end) "
function find(array, item) {
for (i in array) {
if (array[i] == item) {
return item
function show(array) {
for (i in array) {
printf(\"%s \", array[i])
/^ *#/ { next }
delete tags
if (\$4) {
split(\$4, tags, \" \")
name = \$1
url = \$2
info = \$3
author = \$5
$query {
print $fields
" | sed '${/^$/d;}' | awk -v quiet=$quiet '
!/^ *$/ { notEmpty = 1 }
!quiet { print }
quiet && !notEmpty { exit !notEmpty }
END { exit !notEmpty }