Jorge Bucaran e0ed629777
One more push before 0.8.0, fixed bugs, paved the way for DEBUG mode.
* Add Mizuki to THANKS for help with Japanese translation of the QuickStart Guide.
* fisher --list should return 1 (fail) if no plugins are installed. Closes #101.
* More consistent style 'Usage' instead of 'usage'.
* Silence index check in case $fisher_cache/.index does not exist.
* Add more descriptive message if plugin is not found.
* Silence search failure in case $fisher_cache/.index does not exist.
2016-02-15 21:24:22 +09:00

221 lines
5 KiB

.\" generated with Ronn/v0.7.3
.TH "FISHER\-PLUGINS" "7" "February 2016" "" "fisherman"
\fBfisher\-plugins\fR \- Creating Fisherman Plugins
This document describes how to create Fisherman plugins\. This includes stand\-alone utilities, prompts, extension commands and configuration plugins\.
There is no technical distinction between any of the terms aforementioned, but there is a \fIconceptual\fR difference\.
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\fBStandalone Utilities\fR: Plugins that define one or more functions\.
.IP "\(bu" 4
\fBPrompts / Themes\fR: Plugins that modify the appearance of the fish prompt by defining a \fBfish_prompt\fR / \fBfish_right_prompt\fR function/s\.
.IP "\(bu" 4
\fBExtension Commands\fR: Plugins that extend Fisherman default commands\. An extension plugin must define one or more functions like \fBfisher_<my_command>\fR\. For specific information about commands, see \fBfisher help commands\fR\.
.IP "\(bu" 4
\fBConfiguration Plugins\fR: Plugins that include one or more \fBmy_plugin\.config\.fish\fR files\. Files that follow this convention are evaluated at the start of the session\. If a file does not follow the \fB<my_plugin>\.config\.fish\fR convention, it must be added to \fBconf\.d/*\.fish\fR and the \fB<my_plugin>\fR name will be prepended to the file during the installation process\.
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An example plugin that follows several of the conventions proposed above\.
.IP "" 4
|\-\- fisher_my_plugin\.fish
|\-\- my_plugin\.fish
|\-\- fish_prompt\.fish
|\-\- fish_right_prompt\.fish
|\-\- my_plugin\.config\.fish
|\-\- functions
| |\-\- my_plugin_helper\.fish
|\-\- conf\.d
| |\-\- *\.fish
|\-\- completions
| |\-\- my_plugin\.fish
|\-\- man
|\-\- man1
|\-\- my_plugin\.1
.IP "" 0
A plugin may list any number of dependencies to other plugins using a \fIfishfile\fR, see \fBfisher help fishfile\fR\.
For example, if \fB<my_plugin>\fR depends on \fB<your_plugin>\fR, add this dependency into a fishfile at the root of the project:
.IP "" 4
cat > my_plugin/fishfile
.IP "" 0
Plugins may also define completions using \fBcomplete(1)\fR and provide documentation in the form of \fBman(1)\fR pages\.
This section walks you through creating \fIwtc\fR, a stand\-alone plugin based in \fIgithub\.com/ngerakines/commitment\fR random commit message generator\.
Navigate to your preferred workspace and create the plugin\'s directory and Git repository:
.IP "" 4
mkdir \-p my/workspace/wtc; and cd my/workspace/wtc
git init
git remote add origin https://github\.com/<owner>/wtc
.IP "" 0
.IP "\(bu" 4
Add the implementation\.
.IP "" 0
.IP "" 4
cat > wtc\.fish
function wtc \-d "Generate a random commit message"
switch "$argv"
case \-h \-\-help
printf "Usage: wtc [\-\-help]\en\en"
printf " \-h \-\-help Show usage help\en"
curl \-s whatthecommit\.com/index\.txt
.IP "" 0
.IP "\(bu" 4
Add completions\. \fIwtc\fR is simple enough that you could get away without \fB__fisher_parse_help\fR, but more complex utilities, or utilities whose CLI evolves over time, can benefit using automatic completion generation\. Note that in order to use \fB__fisher_parse_help\fR, your command must provide a \fB\-\-help\fR option that prints usage information to standard output\.
.IP "" 0
.IP "" 4
mkdir completions
cat > completions/wtc\.fish
set \-l IFS ";"
wtc \-\-help | __fisher_parse_help | while read \-l info long short
complete \-c wtc \-s "$short" \-l "$long" \-d "$info"
.IP "" 0
Add basic documentation\. Fisherman uses standard manual pages for displaying help information\. There are utilities that can help you generate man pages from other text formats, such as Markdown\. One example is \fBronn(1)\fR\. For this example, type will do:
.IP "" 4
mkdir \-p man/man1
cat > man/man1/wtc\.1
\.TH man 1 "Today" "1\.0" "wtc man page"
wtc \e\- Generate a random commit message
wtc [\-\-help]
\-h, \-\-help: Display help information\.
.IP "" 0
.IP "\(bu" 4
Commit changes and push to the remote repository\.
.IP "" 0
.IP "" 4
git add \-\-all
git commit \-m "What the commit? 1\.0"
git push origin master
.IP "" 0
.IP "\(bu" 4
Install with Fisherman\. If you would like to submit your package for registration install the \fBsubmit\fR plugin or send a pull request to the main index repository in \fIhttps://github\.com/fisherman/index\fR\. See \fBIndex\fR in \fBfisher help tour\fR\.
.IP "" 0
.IP "" 4
fisher install github/*owner*/wtc
(\e /)
(> <) Bunny approves these changes\.
.IP "" 0
fisher help commands
fisher help fishfile