.\" generated with Ronn/v0.7.3 .\" http://github.com/rtomayko/ronn/tree/0.7.3 . .TH "GETOPTS" "1" "January 2016" "" "fisherman" . .SH "NAME" \fBgetopts\fR \- Parse CLI options . .SH "SYNOPSIS" \fBgetopts\fR [\fIoptions\fR \.\.\.] . .br \fBgetopts\fR [\fIoptions\fR \.\.\.] \fB|\fR \fBwhile\fR read \-l key value; \.\.\.; \fBend\fR . .br . .SH "DESCRIPTION" getopts is a command line parser, designed to process command line arguments according to the POSIX Utility Syntax Guidelines\. If no arguments are given it returns \fB1\fR\. . .SH "USAGE" In the following example: . .IP "" 4 . .nf getopts \-ab1 \-\-foo=bar baz . .fi . .IP "" 0 . .P And its output: . .IP "" 4 . .nf a b 1 foo bar _ baz . .fi . .IP "" 0 . .P The items on the left represent the option flags or \fIkeys\fR associated with the CLI\. The items on the right are the option \fIvalues\fR\. The underscore \fB_\fR character is the default \fIkey\fR for arguments without a key\. . .P Use \fBread\fR(1) to process the generated stream and \fBswitch\fR(1) to match patterns: . .IP "" 4 . .nf getopts \-ab1 \-\-foo=bar baz | while read \-l key option switch $key case _ case a case b case foo end end . .fi . .IP "" 0 . .SH "OPTIONS" None\. . .SH "EXAMPLES" The following is a mock of \fBfish\fR(1) CLI missing the implementation: . .IP "" 4 . .nf function fish set \-l mode set \-l flags set \-l commands set \-l debug_level getopts $argv | while read \-l key value switch $key case c command set commands $commands $value case d debug\-level set debug_level $value case i interactive set mode $value case l login set mode $value case n no\-execute set mode $value case p profile set flags $flags $value case h help printf "usage: $_ [OPTIONS] [\-c command] [FILE [ARGUMENTS\.\.\.]]\en" return case \e* printf "$_: \'%s\' is not a valid option\.\en" $key return 1 end end # Implementation end . .fi . .IP "" 0 . .SH "BUGS" . .IP "\(bu" 4 getopts does \fInot\fR read the standard input\. Use getopts to collect options and the standard input to process a stream of data relevant to your program\. . .IP "\(bu" 4 A double dash, \fB\-\-\fR, marks the end of options\. Arguments after this sequence are placed in the default underscore key, \fB_\fR\. . .IP "\(bu" 4 The getopts described in this document is \fInot\fR equivalent to the getopts \fIbuiltin\fR found in other shells\. . .IP "" 0 . .SH "AUTHORS" Jorge Bucaran \fIj@bucaran\.me\fR\. . .SH "SEE ALSO" POSIX Utility Syntax Guidelines [goo\.gl/yrgQn9] . .br