spin(1) -- Background job spinner ================================= ## SYNOPSIS `spin` *commands* [`--style`=*mix*|*arc*|*star*|*pipe*|*flip*|*bounce*|*bar1~3*]
`spin` *commands* [`--error`=file] [`--format`=format] [`--help`] ## DESCRIPTION **Spin** is a terminal spinner and progress bar indicator for fish. ## USAGE ```fish spin "sleep 1" ``` Spin interprets any output to standard error as failure. Use --error=*file* to redirect the standard error output to *file*. ```fish if not spin --style=pipe --error=debug.txt "curl -sS $URL" return 1 end ``` ## Options * -s, --style=*style*|*string*: Use *string* to slice the spinner characters. If you don't want to display the spinners, use --style=*""*. * -f, --format=*format*: Use *format* to customize the spinner display. The default format is `" @\r"` where `@` represents the spinner token and `\r` a carriage return, used to refresh (erase) the line. * --error=*file*: Write the standard error output to a given *file*. * -h, --help: Show usage help. ### Customization Replace the default spinner with your own string of characters. For example, --style=*12345* will display the numbers from 1 to 5, and --style=*.* --format=*@* an increasing sequence of dots.