source $DIRNAME/helpers/ set -l path $DIRNAME/$TESTNAME.test(random) set -l source $path/source set -l index $path/index set -l names foo set -l extra norf function -S setup if not mkdir -p $path return 1 end set -g fisher_config $path/config set -g fisher_cache $fisher_config/cache set -g fisher_index "file://$index" create_mock_source $source $names > $index fisher install $names --quiet # Updates the source repos duplicating the original content. # See helpers/ create_mock_source $source $names $extra > $index end function -S teardown rm -rf $path end for name in $names test "update <$name> package copy in cache" (functions $name $name | xargs) = ( fisher update $name --quiet fish_indent < $fisher_cache/$name/$ | xargs) end test "install <$name> if update is successful" (functions $name $name | xargs) = ( fisher update $name --quiet fish_indent < $fisher_config/functions/$ | xargs) end end test "update packages via " (functions $names $names | xargs) = ( printf "%s\n" $names | fisher update --quiet cat $fisher_config/functions/{$names}.fish | fish_indent | xargs) end test "update cache" (functions $names $names | xargs) = ( fisher update --cache --quiet cat $fisher_config/functions/{$names}.fish | fish_indent | xargs) end test "update index with --index using contents in \$fisher_index" ( fisher update --index --quiet awk -F'\n' -v RS='' '{ print $1 }' $fisher_cache/.index) = $names $extra end