set -l cmd awk set -l fishfile $DIRNAME/fixtures/fishfile function -S setup set -g fisher_alias "$cmd=A,B" function fisher_$cmd if not set -q argv[1] echo usage:... return 1 end awk $argv end end function -S teardown functions -e fisher_$cmd end test "read a fishfile using --file" (fisher --file=$fishfile) = foo bar baz github/foo/bar end test "evaluate commands" (fisher $cmd) = usage:... end test "evaluate commands w/ standard input" (echo "foo bar baz" | fisher $cmd '{ print $2 }' | xargs) = "bar" end test "display version information" (fisher --version | cut -d " " -f3) = (sed 1q $fisher_home/VERSION) end test "evaluate \$fisher_alias= as aliases" (fisher A; fisher B) = (fisher $cmd; fisher $cmd) end test "display usage" (fisher | sed 1q) = "usage: fisher [] [--version] [--help]" end test "display help information about 'help' at the bottom" (fisher | tail -n2 | xargs) = "Use fisher help -g to list guides and other documentation. See fisher help to access a man page." end test "display basic help information about available commands" (fisher | sed -E 's/ +//' | grep "^$cmd\$") end