fisher(1) -- fish shell manager =============================== ## SYNOPSIS `fisher` *command* [*options*] [`--version`] [`--help`]
`fisher` `--file`=*fishfile*
`fisher` `--validate`=*name* or *url*
## DESCRIPTION Fisherman is a shell manager for `fish`(1) that lets you share and reuse code, prompts and configurations easily. The following commands: *install*, *uninstall*, *update*, *search* and *help* are available by default. See `fisher` help *command* for information about each command. ## OPTIONS * `-f` `--file`=*fishfile*: Read *fishfile* and write contents to standard output. If *fishfile* is null or an empty string, your user *fishfile* in `$fisher_config`/fishfile will be used instead. Use a dash `-` to force reading from the standard input. Oh My Fish! bundle files are supported too. * `-V`, `--validate`=*keyword*: Validate a *name* or *url*. If *keyword* resembles a url, the algorithm will attempt to normalize the url by adding / removing missing components. Otherwise, it will assume *keyword* is a potential plugin name and use the following regex `^[a-z]+[._-]?[a-z0-9]+` to validate the string. This method is used internally to validate user input and support url variations such as *owner/repo*, *gh:owner/repo*, *bb:owner/repo*, etc. See `fisher`(7)#{`Plugins`}. If *keyword* is null or an empty string, `--validate` reads keyword*s* from the standard input. * `-v` `--version`: Show version information. Fisherman's current version can be found in the VERSION file at the root of the project. The version scheme is based in `Semantic Versioning` and uses Git annotated tags to track releases. * `-h` `--help`: Show usage help. ## CUSTOM COMMANDS A Fisherman command is a function that you can invoke using `fisher` *command* [*options*]. By convention, any function of the form `fisher_` is registered as Fisherman command. You can create plugins that add new commands as well as regular utilities. See `fisher help commands` and `fisher help plugins` for more information. ## EXAMPLES * Install a plugin. ``` fisher install fishtape fishtape --help ``` * Install plugins from fishfile or bundle: ``` fisher --file=path/to/shared/fishfile | fisher install ``` * Validate an url. ``` echo a/b | fisher -V > ``` ## AUTHORS Fisherman was created and it is currently maintained by Jorge Bucaran **. See AUTHORS file for a more complete list of contributors. ## SEE ALSO `fisher`(7)
`fisher` help *help*
`fisher` help *update*
`fisher` help *search*
`fisher` help *config*
`fisher` help *install*
`fisher` help *plugins*
`fisher` help *commands*
`fisher` help *fishfile*
`fisher` help *uninstall*