test "$TESTNAME - Convert capital letters to lowercase letters" foo = (__fisher_plugin_validate FOO) end test "$TESTNAME - Alphabetic names are OK" foo = (__fisher_plugin_validate foo) end test "$TESTNAME - Single letter names are OK" z = (__fisher_plugin_validate z) end test "$TESTNAME - Alphanumeric names are OK" foo3000 = (__fisher_plugin_validate foo3000) end test "$TESTNAME - Numeric names are OK" 42 = (__fisher_plugin_validate 42) end test "$TESTNAME - Delimiters -, _ and . are OK" foo-bar_baz.norf = (__fisher_plugin_validate foo-bar_baz.norf) end for delim in - . _ test "$TESTNAME - Delimiter $delim can start a name" "{$delim}foo" = (__fisher_plugin_validate "{$delim}foo") end end set -l some_bad_characters '%' '&' '(' '~' '|' '^' '$' '"' "'" test "$TESTNAME - Restrict certain characters ($some_bad_characters)" ( for bad in $some_bad_characters for id in foo bar baz __fisher_plugin_validate "$bad$id" > /dev/null printf $status end end ) -eq 111111111111111111111111111 end