set -l path $DIRNAME/.t-$TESTNAME-(random) set -l fisherman_url function -S setup mkdir -p $path/cache/{foo,bar,baz,norf} $path/theme ln -s $path/theme $path/cache/theme printf "%s\n" foo bar baz theme > $path/fishfile set -g fisher_cache $path/cache # Fisherman uses the Fishfile to keep track of what plugins are currently installed # so we need to create one in order to test all of fisher list=. # See also ``. set -g fisher_file $path/fishfile set -U fisher_prompt theme source $DIRNAME/helpers/ end function -S teardown rm -rf $path functions -e git end test "$TESTNAME - Append > to active theme" (fisher list | sed -n '/>.*/p') = "> theme" end test "$TESTNAME - Append * to active plugins" (fisher list | sed -n '/\*.*/p' | xargs) = "* bar * baz * foo" end test "$TESTNAME - Add one space indentation to disabled plugins to align with > and *" (fisher list | sed '/^[\*>].*/d') = " norf" end test "$TESTNAME - Do not add indentation when no plugins are enabled" (rm $path/fishfile; fisher list) = ( for plugin in foo bar baz norf theme echo $plugin end ) end test "$TESTNAME - Show active / enabled plugins/prompts with fisher list=enabled" foo bar baz theme = (fisher list --enabled) end test "$TESTNAME - Show disabled/inactive plugins/prompts with fisher list=disabled" (fisher list --disabled) = norf end test "$TESTNAME - Parse a fishfile and display plugins with fisher list=" foo bar baz theme = (fisher list - < $fisher_file) end