set -l path $DIRNAME/.t-$TESTNAME-(random) function -S setup mkdir -p $path/cache/{foo,bar,baz} set -g fisher_cache $path/cache set -l path $DIRNAME/.t-$TESTNAME-(random) source $DIRNAME/helpers/ end function -S teardown functions -e git rm -rf $path end for plugin in foo bar baz test "$TESTNAME - Get cache path from url <$plugin> using Git" $path/cache/$plugin = ( __fisher_path_from_url$plugin/$plugin ) end end test "$TESTNAME - Fail if no url does not match any of the plugins ls-remote" 1 -eq ( __fisher_path_from_url > /dev/null printf $status ) end test "$TESTNAME - Succeed if a url matches any the plugins ls-remote" 0 -eq ( __fisher_path_from_url > /dev/null printf $status ) end