function fisher_install -d "Install Plugins" set -l plugins set -l option set -l stdout /dev/stdout set -l stderr /dev/stderr getopts $argv | while read -l 1 2 switch "$1" case _ set plugins $plugins $2 case f force set option force case q quiet set stdout /dev/null set stderr /dev/null case h printf "Usage: fisher install [] [--force] [--quiet] [--help]\n\n" printf " -f --force Reinstall given plugin/s\n" printf " -q --quiet Enable quiet mode\n" printf " -h --help Show usage help\n" return case \* printf "fisher: '%s' is not a valid option.\n" $1 > /dev/stderr fisher_install -h > /dev/stderr return 1 end end set -l link set -l time (date +%s) set -l count 0 set -l index 1 set -l total (count $plugins) set -l skipped if set -q plugins[1] printf "%s\n" $plugins else __fisher_file end | while read -l item debug "Validate '%s'" $item if not set item (__fisher_plugin_validate $item) printf "fisher: '%s' is not a valid name, path or URL.\n" $item > $stderr continue end switch "$item" case\* debug "Install a Gist '%s'" $item if set -l name (__fisher_gist_to_name $item) printf "%s %s\n" $item $name else set total (math $total - 1) printf "fisher: Repository '%s' not found.\n" $item > $stderr end case \*/\* debug "Install from a URL or path '%s'" $item printf "%s %s\n" $item (printf "%s\n" $item | __fisher_name) case \* if set -l url (fisher_search --url --name=$item --index=$fisher_cache/.index) debug "Install '%s'" $item printf "%s %s\n" $url $item else if test -d $fisher_cache/$item debug "Install from '%s'" \$fisher_cache/$item printf "%s %s\n" (__fisher_url_from_path $fisher_cache/$item) $item else set total (math $total - 1) printf "fisher: '%s' not found or index out of date.\n" $item > $stderr end end end | while read -l url name if contains -- $name (__fisher_list $fisher_file) if test -z "$option" set total (math $total - 1) set skipped $skipped $name continue end end printf "Installing " > $stderr switch $total case 0 1 printf ">> %s\n" $name > $stderr case \* printf "(%s of %s) >> %s\n" $index $total $name > $stderr set index (math $index + 1) end command mkdir -p $fisher_config/{functions,completions,conf.d,man} $fisher_cache set -l path $fisher_cache/$name if test ! -e $path if test -d "$url" debug "Link '%s' to the cache" $url command ln -sfF $url $path else debug "Download '%s'" $url if not spin "__fisher_url_clone $url $path" --error=$stderr continue end end end set -l deps (__fisher_deps_install "$path") if not __fisher_path_make "$path" --quiet set total (math $total - 1) continue end __fisher_plugin_enable "$name" "$path" set count (math $count + 1 + "0$deps") end set time (math (date +%s) - $time) if test ! -z "$skipped" printf "%s plugin/s skipped (%s)\n" (count $skipped) ( printf "%s\n" $skipped | paste -sd ' ' - ) > $stdout end if test "$count" -le 0 printf "No plugins were installed.\n" > $stdout return 1 end debug "Pre-reset completions and key bindings" __fisher_complete_reset __fisher_key_bindings_reset debug "Post-reset completions and key bindings" printf "Aye! %d plugin/s installed in %0.fs\n" $count $time > $stdout end