[![Slack Room][slack-badge]][slack-link] # Contributing If you are looking for ways to help, browse [open issues][issues] or send us your PR if you are already working on something. ## Guidelines * Fork the repo and create your feature branch from master. * If you make significant changes, please add tests too. Get familiar with [Fishtape]. * If you've changed APIs, please update the documentation. * Follow the [seven rules] of a great Git commit message. ## Plugins 1. Create a new plugin with `scaffold`. ```fish fisher install scaffold fisher scaffold ``` 2. Submit a plugin to the [index] with `submit`. ```fish fisher install submit fisher submit my_plugin ``` ## Translations If you would like to translate a portion of the documentation, you can begin with the [Quickstart Guide]. [slack-link]: https://fisherman-wharf.herokuapp.com/ [slack-badge]: https://img.shields.io/badge/slack-join%20the%20chat-00B9FF.svg?style=flat-square [seven rules]: http://chris.beams.io/posts/git-commit/#seven-rules [open issues]: https://github.com/fisherman/fisherman/issues?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue [Fishtape]: https://github.com/fisherman/fishtape [index]: https://github.com/fisherman/fisher-index [Quickstart Guide]: https://github.com/fisherman/fisherman/wiki/Quickstart-Guide