.\" generated with Ronn/v0.7.3 .\" http://github.com/rtomayko/ronn/tree/0.7.3 . .TH "FISHER\-CONFIG" "7" "January 2016" "" "fisherman" . .SH "NAME" \fBfisher\-config\fR \- Fisherman Configuration . .SH "SYNOPSIS" This document describes how to use the available configuration options to customize Fisherman\. . .SH "DESCRIPTION" Your fish user configuration, usually located in \fB$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/fish/config\.fish\fR is updated after installing Fisherman to add the global variables \fB$fisher_home\fR and \fB$fisher_config\fR\. . .P \fB$fisher_home\fR is the directory where you downloaded Fisherman\. This location can be anywhere you like\. If you changed this location after installing Fisherman, you need to update \fB$fisher_home\fR as well\. . .P \fB$fisher_config\fR is the user configuration directory and the location of your user \fIfishfile\fR, \fIcache\fR directory and where plugins get installed to\. This location must be different from \fB$fisher_home\fR\. The default location is \fB$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/fisherman\fR\. . .P You can also customize the debug log path, cache location, index source URL, command aliases, and other options via \fB$fisher_*\fR variables\. . .SH "VARIABLES" . .TP \fB$fisher_home\fR The home directory\. This is the path where you downloaded Fisherman\. . .TP \fB$fisher_config\fR The user configuration directory\. \fB$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/fisherman\fR by default\. This directory is where the \fIcache\fR, \fIfunctions\fR and \fIcompletions\fR directories are located\. . .TP \fB$fisher_cache\fR The cache directory\. Plugins are first downloaded here and installed to \fB$fisher_config/functions\fR afterwards\. The cache is \fB$fisher_config/cache\fR by default\. . .TP \fB$fisher_index\fR Index source URL or file\. To use a different index set this to a file or URL\. Redirect urls are not supported due to security and performance concerns\. The underlying request and fetch mechanism is based in \fBcurl(1)\fR\. See also \fBIndex\fR in \fBfisher help tour\fR\. . .TP \fB$fisher_alias command=alias[,\.\.\.] [command2=alias[,\.\.\.]]\fR Use this variable to define custom aliases for fisher commands\. See \fBExamples\fR below\. . .SH "EXAMPLES" . .IP "\(bu" 4 Create aliases for fisher \fBinstall\fR to \fIi\fR, \fIin\fR and \fIinst\fR; and for fisher \fBupdate\fR to \fIup\fR\. . .IP "" 0 . .IP "" 4 . .nf set fisher_alias install=i,in,inst update=up . .fi . .IP "" 0 . .IP "\(bu" 4 Set \fB$fisher_index\fR to a custom database\. . .IP "" 0 . .IP "" 4 . .nf set fisher_index https://raw\.\.\./owner/repo/master/index2\.txt . .fi . .IP "" 0 . .SH "SEE ALSO" fisher help tour