# Fisher > A plugin manager for [Fish](https://fishshell.com)—the friendly interactive shell. [Looking for plugins?](https://git.io/awesome.fish) Manage functions, completions, bindings, and snippets from the command line. Extend your shell capabilities, change the look of your prompt and create repeatable configurations across different systems effortlessly. - 100% _pure_-Fish—easy to contribute to or modify. - Blazing fast concurrent plugin downloads. - Zero configuration out of the box. - Oh My Fish! plugin support. > #### ☝️ [Upgrading from Fisher `3.x` or older?](https://github.com/jorgebucaran/fisher/issues/652) ## Installation ```console curl -sL https://git.io/fisher | source && fisher install jorgebucaran/fisher ``` ## Quickstart You can install, update, and remove plugins interactively with Fisher, taking advantage of Fish [tab completion](https://fishshell.com/docs/current/index.html#completion) and rich syntax highlighting. ### Installing plugins Install plugins using the `install` command followed by the path to the repository on GitHub. ```console fisher install jorgebucaran/nvm.fish ``` > To install from GitLab prepend `gitlab.com/` to the plugin path. To get a specific version of a plugin add an `@` symbol after the plugin name followed by a tag, branch, or [commit](https://git-scm.com/docs/gitglossary#Documentation/gitglossary.txt-aiddefcommit-ishacommit-ishalsocommittish). ```console fisher install IlanCosman/tide@v5 ``` You can install plugins from a local directory too. ```console fisher install ~/path/to/plugin ``` > Fisher expands plugins into your Fish configuration directory by default, overwriting existing files. If you wish to change this behavior, set `$fisher_path` to your preferred location and put it in your function path ([#640](https://github.com/jorgebucaran/fisher/issues/640)). ### Listing plugins List all the plugins that are currently installed using the `list` command. ```console $ fisher list jorgebucaran/fisher ilancosman/tide@v5 jorgebucaran/nvm.fish /home/jb/path/to/plugin ``` The `list` command also accepts a regular expression to filter the output. ```console $ fisher list \^/ /home/jb/path/to/plugin ``` ### Updating plugins The `update` command updates one or more plugins to their latest version. ```console fisher update jorgebucaran/fisher ``` > Use just `fisher update` to update everything. ### Removing plugins Remove installed plugins using the `remove` command. ```console fisher remove jorgebucaran/nvm.fish ``` You may want to remove everything, including Fisher. ```console fisher list | fisher remove ``` ## Using your `fish_plugins` file Whenever you install or remove a plugin from the command line, Fisher will write down all the installed plugins to `$__fish_config_dir/fish_plugins`. Adding this file to your dotfiles or version control is the easiest way to share your configuration across different systems. You can also edit this file and run `fisher update` to commit changes: ```console nano $__fish_config_dir/fish_plugins ``` ```diff jorgebucaran/fisher ilancosman/tide@v5 jorgebucaran/nvm.fish + PatrickF1/fzf.fish - /home/jb/path/to/plugin ``` ```console fisher update ``` That will install **PatrickF1**/**fzf.fish**, remove /**home**/**jb**/**path**/**to**/**plugin**, and update everything else. ## Creating a plugin A plugin can be any number of files in a `functions`, `conf.d`, and `completions` directory. Most plugins consist of a single function, or [configuration snippet](https://fishshell.com/docs/current/index.html#configuration). This is what a typical plugin looks like.
├── completions
│   └── ponyo.fish
├── conf.d
│   └── ponyo.fish
└── functions
    └── ponyo.fish
Non `.fish` files as well as directories inside those locations will be copied to `$fisher_path` under `functions`, `conf.d`, or `completions` respectively. ### Event system Plugins are notified as they are being installed, updated, or removed via Fish [events](https://fishshell.com/docs/current/cmds/emit.html). > `--on-event` functions must already be loaded when their event is emitted. Thus, you should put your event handlers in the `conf.d` directory. ```fish # Defined in ponyo/conf.d/ponyo.fish function _ponyo_install --on-event ponyo_install # Set universal variables, create bindings, and other initialization logic. end function _ponyo_update --on-event ponyo_update # Migrate resources, print warnings, and other update logic. end function _ponyo_uninstall --on-event ponyo_uninstall # Erase "private" functions, variables, bindings, and other uninstall logic. end ``` ## Creating a theme A theme is just like a regular Fish plugin, except it has a `.theme` file in the `themes` directory. Themes were introduced in [Fish 3.4](https://github.com/fish-shell/fish-shell/releases/tag/3.4.0) and work with the `fish_config` builtin. A theme can also have files in `functions`, `conf.d`, or `completions` if necessary. This is what a typical theme plugin might look like.
├── conf.d
│   └── sosuke.fish
└── themes
    └── sosuke.theme
### Using `$fisher_path` with themes If you customize `$fisher_path` to use a directory other than `$__fish_config_dir`, your themes won't be available via `fish_config`. That's because Fish expects your themes to be in `$__fish_config_dir/themes`, not `$fisher_path/themes`. This is not yet configurable in Fish, but there is [a request to add that feature](https://github.com/fish-shell/fish-shell/issues/9456). This problem can easily be solved by symlinking Fisher's `themes` directory into your Fish config. First, backup any existing themes directory. ```console mv $__fish_config_dir/themes $__fish_config_dir/themes.bak ``` Then, symlink Fisher's themes directory. ```console ln -s $fisher_path/themes $__fish_config_dir/themes ``` If you want to use theme plugins and also maintain your own local themes, you can read more about how to do that here: [#708](https://github.com/jorgebucaran/fisher/issues/708). ## Discoverability Fisher doesn't make use of a central repository of plugins. However, that doesn't mean discovering new plugins should be hard. A great way to help people quickly find your project on GitHub is [by adding a topic to your repository](https://docs.github.com/en/repositories/managing-your-repositorys-settings-and-features/customizing-your-repository/classifying-your-repository-with-topics#adding-topics-to-your-repository). We recommend using [`fish-plugin`](https://github.com/topics/fish-plugin) for this purpose. ## Acknowledgments Fisher started out in 2016 by [@jorgebucaran](https://github.com/jorgebucaran) as a shell configuration manager for Fish. We had a lot of help along the way. [Oh My Fish](https://github.com/oh-my-fish/oh-my-fish) laid the groundwork as the first popular Fish framework. [@jethrokuan](https://github.com/jethrokuan) was particularly helpful during the first years. [@PatrickF1](https://github.com/PatrickF1)'s candid feedback has been invaluable time and again. Bootstrapping Fisher was originally [@IlanCosman](https://github.com/IlanCosman)'s idea. Thank you to all our contributors! <3 ## License [MIT](LICENSE.md)