#!/usr/bin/env fish function __fisher_format_source_safe if not command fish_indent $argv ^ /dev/null command fish_indent end end function __fisher_home_humanize set -l tilde "$fisher_color_param~$fisher_color_close" sed "s|$HOME|$tilde|" end function __fisher_run_commands -a message commands set -l fish_debug_copy $fish_debug set fish_debug set -l tmp (mktemp -t fisherman.XXX) fish -c "$commands" > /dev/null ^ $tmp & while true for spinner in ⠋ ⠙ ⠹ ⠸ ⠼ ⠴ ⠦ ⠧ ⠇ ⠏ set -l message (printf "%s\n" $message | __fisher_home_humanize) printf " $fisher_color_param$spinner$fisher_color_close $message\r" sleep 0.05 end set -l last_job (jobs -l | command awk -v FS=\t ' /[0-9]+\t/{ jobs[++job_count] = $1 } END { for (i = 1; i <= job_count; i++) { print(jobs[i]) } exit job_count == 0 } ') if test -z "$last_job" break end end if test -s $tmp cat $tmp printf "\r $fisher_error_symbol\n\n" printf "Sorry, but I couldn't install fisherman. Some things you can try:\n\n" printf "%s\n" " $fisher_arrow_symbol Upgrade your Git version (^2.0)" printf "%s\n" " $fisher_arrow_symbol Upgrade your Fish version (^2.2.0)" printf "%s\n" " $fisher_arrow_symbol Make sure you can write to $fisher_home" printf "%s\n" printf "%s\n" "For more help visit "$fisher_color_uline"http://issues.fisherman.sh$fisher_color_close" command rm -f $tmp set fish_debug $fish_debug_copy exit 1 end set fish_debug $fish_debug_copy command rm -f $tmp printf "\r $fisher_check_symbol \n" end function __fisher_install_fisherman set xdg_home ~/.local/share set xdg_config ~/.config if test ! -z "$XDG_DATA_HOME" set xdg_home "$XDG_DATA_HOME" end if test ! -z "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME" set xdg_config "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME" end set fisher_home "$xdg_home/fisherman" set fisher_config "$xdg_config/fisherman" set fish_config "$xdg_config/fish" if test ! -z "$FISHER_HOME" set fisher_home "$FISHER_HOME" end if test ! -z "$FISHER_CONFIG" set fisher_config "$FISHER_CONFIG" end set -l config "$fish_config/config.fish" if test -d $fisher_home printf " $fisher_error_symbol %s\n\n" "fisherman is already installed. To reinstall:" printf " $fisher_arrow_symbol %s\n" "Remove $fisher_home" \ | __fisher_home_humanize if test -s $config printf " $fisher_arrow_symbol %s\n" "Remove this configuration from $fish_config" \ | __fisher_home_humanize printf "%s\n" set -l indent " " grep "fisher" $config | __fisher_format_source_safe --ansi | sed "s/^/ $indent /" set_color normal end printf "\n%s\n" "For more help visit "$fisher_color_uline"http://issues.fisherman.sh$fisher_color_close" exit 1 end if test "$version" = 2.1.2 printf "%s\n" (set_color ff0 )" • Please upgrade to fish 2.2.0 for best results.$fisher_color_close" end __fisher_run_commands \ "Downloading fisherman to $fisher_home" \ "git clone --quiet --depth 1 $fisher_remote_uri $fisher_home" set -l home ~ __fisher_run_commands \ "Installing fisherman to $fisher_config" \ " mkdir -p $fisher_config/{cache,functions,completions,conf.d,man} pushd $fish_config echo 'set -g fisher_home $fisher_home' | sed 's|/\$||;s|$home|~|' >> fisherconf echo 'set -g fisher_config $fisher_config' | sed 's|$home|~|' >> fisherconf echo 'source \$fisher_home/config.fish' >> fisherconf command awk 'FNR==NR{ print; a[\$0]; next } !(\$0 in a) || /^\$/' config.fish fisherconf > config.fish.tmp command mv config.fish.tmp config.fish command rm fisherconf __fisher_index_update 0 " set -l gray (set_color aaa) printf " $fisher_check_symbol ""$gray"" Done! Enter $fisherman""``fisher``""$fisher_color_close ""$gray""to get started\n\n" printf " $fisher_arrow_symbol Plugins "$fisher_color_uline"http://plugins.fisherman.sh$fisher_color_close\n" printf " $fisher_arrow_symbol Community "$fisher_color_uline"http://slack.fisherman.sh$fisher_color_close\n" if set -q CI exit end exec fish < /dev/tty end set -g fisher_color_param (set_color $fish_color_param) set -g fisher_color_uline (set_color -u) set -g fisher_color_error (set_color $fish_color_error) set -g fisher_color_close (set_color $fish_color_normal) set -g fisher_check_symbol $fisher_color_param"✔"$fisher_color_close set -g fisher_error_symbol $fisher_color_error"✘"$fisher_color_close set -g fisher_arrow_symbol $fisher_color_param"▸"$fisher_color_close set -g fisher_remote_uri "https://github.com/fisherman/fisherman" __fisher_install_fisherman