set -g fisher_version 4.0.0 function fisher -a cmd -d "fish plugin manager" set -q XDG_DATA_HOME || set XDG_DATA_HOME ~/.local/share set -q fisher_path || set -g fisher_path $__fish_config_dir set -g fisher_data $XDG_DATA_HOME/fisher set -g fish_plugins $__fish_config_dir/fish_plugins switch "$cmd" case add echo (set_color -o)"fisher: \"$cmd\" is deprecated, use `fisher install ...`"(set_color normal) >&2 set cmd install case rm echo (set_color -o)"fisher: \"$cmd\" is deprecated, use `fisher remove ...`"(set_color normal) >&2 set cmd remove case ls echo (set_color -o)"fisher: \"$cmd\" is deprecated, use `fisher list`"(set_color normal) >&2 set cmd list end switch "$cmd" case -v --version echo "fisher, version $fisher_version" case "" -h --help echo "usage: fisher install install plugins" echo " fisher update [] update installed plugins" echo " fisher remove remove installed plugins" echo " fisher list [] list installed plugins matching " echo "options:" echo " -v or --version print fisher version" echo " -h or --help print this help message" case list _fisher_list | string match --entire --regex -- "$argv[2]" case install update remove set -l install_plugins set -l update_plugins set -l remove_plugins set -l old_plugins (_fisher_list) set -q fisher_user_api_token && set -l curl_opts -u $fisher_user_api_token set -l pid_list if not isatty read -laz list set -a argv $list end if not set -q argv[2] if test "$cmd" != update echo "fisher: invalid number of arguments (see `fisher -h`)" >&2 && return 1 end test -e $fish_plugins && set -l new_plugins (_fisher_plugin_parse (string trim <$fish_plugins)) for plugin in $new_plugins if contains -- "$plugin" $old_plugins set -a update_plugins $plugin else set -a install_plugins $plugin end end for plugin in $old_plugins if not contains -- "$plugin" $new_plugins set -a remove_plugins $plugin end end else for plugin in (_fisher_plugin_parse $argv[2..-1]) if contains -- "$plugin" $old_plugins if test "$cmd" = remove set -a remove_plugins $plugin else set -a update_plugins $plugin end else if test "$cmd" != install echo "fisher: \"$plugin\" not found -- use `fisher list` to see installed plugins" >&2 && return 1 else set -a install_plugins $plugin end end end for plugin in $install_plugins $update_plugins fish -c " if test -e $plugin command mkdir -p $fisher_data/@$USER set -l target $fisher_data/@$USER/(string replace --all --regex '^.*/|\.fish\$' \"\" $plugin) if test ! -L \$target command ln -sf $plugin \$target end else set name_tag (string split \@ $plugin) || set name_tag[2] HEAD set url\$name_tag[1]/tar.gz/\$name_tag[2] set tmp (command mktemp -d) echo fetching \$url >&2 if command curl $curl_opts -Ss -w \"\" \$url 2>&1 | command tar -xzf- -C \$tmp 2>/dev/null command rm -rf $fisher_data/$plugin command mkdir -p $fisher_data/$plugin command cp -Rf \$tmp/*/* $fisher_data/$plugin command rm -rf \$tmp else echo fisher: cannot install \"$plugin\" \(is this a valid plugin\?\) >&2 end end " >/dev/null & set -a pid_list $last_pid end wait $pid_list 2>/dev/null command mkdir -p $fisher_path/{functions,completions,conf.d} for plugin in $remove_plugins set -l data $fisher_data/$plugin test -e $plugin && set data $fisher_data/@$USER/(string replace --all --regex '^.*/' "" $plugin) set -l funcs $data/*.fish set -l files $data/{conf.d,functions,completions}/* set -q files[1] && set files (string replace --all $data $fisher_path $files) set -q funcs[1] && set files (string replace --all $data $fisher_path/functions $funcs) $files for file in $data/conf.d/*.fish emit (string replace --all --regex '^.*/|\.fish$' "" $file)_uninstall end printf "removing %s\n" $files >&2 command rm -rf $files $data command rm -df (string split --right --max=1 / $data)[1] 2>/dev/null functions -e (string replace --all --regex '^.*/|\.fish$' "" $files) end for plugin in $install_plugins $update_plugins set -l data $fisher_data/$plugin test -e $plugin && set data $fisher_data/@$USER/(string replace --all --regex '^.*/' "" $plugin) test -e $data || continue contains -- "$plugin" $install_plugins && set -l event install || set -l event update set -l funcs $data/*.fish set -l files $data/{functions,conf.d}/*.fish set -q files[1] && set files (string replace --all $data $fisher_path $files) set -q funcs[1] && set files (string replace --all $data $fisher_path/functions $funcs) $files command cp -Rf $data/{functions,completions,conf.d} $fisher_path 2>/dev/null command cp -Rf $funcs $fisher_path/functions 2>/dev/null for file in $files echo "sourcing $file" >&2 source $file if string match --quiet --regex -- conf\.d/ $file emit (string replace --all --regex '^.*/|\.fish$' "" $file)_$event end end end functions -q fish_prompt || source $__fish_data_dir/functions/ source $fisher_path/completions/ 2>/dev/null _fisher_list >$fish_plugins set -l total (count $install_plugins) (count $update_plugins) (count $remove_plugins) if test "$total" != "0 0 0" echo "done," (string join ", " ( test $total[1] = 0 || echo "$total[1] installed") ( test $total[2] = 0 || echo "$total[2] updated") ( test $total[3] = 0 || echo "$total[3] removed") ) "plugin/s" >&2 end test -s $fish_plugins || test "$cmd" = remove case \* echo "fisher: unknown flag or command \"$cmd\" (see `fisher -h)`" >&2 return 1 end end function _fisher_plugin_parse for plugin in $argv switch $plugin case \~\* string replace --all --regex '^~' ~ "$plugin" case \*/ /\* \*../\* ./\* realpath $plugin 2>/dev/null case \*/\* echo $plugin case "" case \* _fisher_plugin_parse ./$plugin end end end function _fisher_list for path in $fisher_data/*/* if test -L $path realpath $path else string replace --all $fisher_data/ "" $path end end end # Migrate to fisher 4 (supports both self-update and new curl | source) if functions -q _fisher_self_update || test -e $__fish_config_dir/fishfile function _fisher_migrate function _fisher_complete if not _fisher_list | string match --entire --regex --quiet -- jorgebucaran/fisher fisher install jorgebucaran/fisher 2>/dev/null end functions -e _fisher_complete end set -q XDG_DATA_HOME || set XDG_DATA_HOME ~/.local/share set -q XDG_CACHE_HOME || set XDG_CACHE_HOME ~/.cache set -q XDG_CONFIG_HOME || set XDG_CONFIG_HOME ~/.config set -q fisher_path || set fisher_path $__fish_config_dir if test -e $__fish_config_dir/fishfile command awk '/#|^gitlab|^ *$/ { next } $0' <$__fish_config_dir/fishfile >>$__fish_config_dir/fish_plugins end command rm -rf $__fish_config_dir/fishfile $fisher_path/{conf.d,completions}/ {$XDG_DATA_HOME,$XDG_CACHE_HOME,$XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/fisher functions -e _fisher_migrate _fisher_copy_user_key_bindings _fisher_ls _fisher_fmt _fisher_self_update _fisher_self_uninstall _fisher_commit _fisher_parse _fisher_fetch _fisher_add _fisher_rm _fisher_jobs _fisher_now _fisher_help fisher update end echo "bootstrapping fisher $fisher_version for the first time, learn more at "(set_color --bold --underline)""(set_color normal) >&2 _fisher_migrate end