Persist completions across sessions. Close #262.

This commit is contained in:
Jorge Bucaran 2016-05-07 19:12:13 +09:00 committed by Jorge Bucaran
parent f3b95b8c05
commit a175c1deca

View file

@ -54,9 +54,9 @@ function fisher
set -l completions "$fish_config/completions/"
if test ! -e "$completions"
if test ! -s "$completions"
__fisher_completions_write > "$completions"
builtin source "$completions" ^ /dev/null
set -g __fisher_stdout /dev/stdout
@ -290,60 +290,7 @@ function fisher
complete -c fisher --erase
builtin source "$completions" ^ /dev/null
if test ! -s "$fisher_cache/.index"
if test ! -z "$config"
complete -xc fisher -n "__fish_seen_subcommand_from l ls list u up update r rm remove uninstall" -a "$config"
complete -xc fisher -n "__fish_seen_subcommand_from l ls list u up update r rm remove uninstall" -a "$fisher_active_prompt" -d "Prompt"
set -l IFS \t
set -l real_home ~
for name in (command find $config_glob -maxdepth 0 -type l ^ /dev/null)
set -l path (command readlink "$name")
set -l name (command basename "$name" | sed "s|$real_home|~|")
complete -xc fisher -n "__fish_seen_subcommand_from l ls list u up update r rm remove uninstall" -a "$name" -d "$path"
command awk -v FS=\t -v OFS=\t '
print($1, $2)
' "$fisher_cache/.index" ^ /dev/null | while read -l name info
switch "$name"
case fisherman\*
complete -xc fisher -n "__fish_seen_subcommand_from info ls-remote" -a "$name" -d "$info"
if contains -- "$name" $config
complete -xc fisher -n "__fish_seen_subcommand_from l ls list u up update r rm remove uninstall" -a "$name" -d "$info"
complete -xc fisher -n "__fish_seen_subcommand_from i in install" -a "$name" -d "$info"
for i in (__fisher_plugin_get_url_info -- $config_glob)
switch "$i"
case fisherman\*
case \*
set -l name (__fisher_plugin_get_names "$i")[1]
complete -xc fisher -n "__fish_seen_subcommand_from l ls list u up update r rm remove uninstall" -a "$name" -d "$i"
return 0
@ -644,7 +591,6 @@ function __fisher_self_update
set -l new_version "$fisher_version"
__fisher_completions_write > "$completions"
builtin source "$completions" ^ /dev/null
if test "$previous_version" = "$fisher_version"
@ -1357,11 +1303,11 @@ function __fisher_key_bindings_append -a plugin_name file
/^function fish_user_key_bindings$/ {
check_for_end = 1
is_end = 1
/^end$/ && check_for_end {
/^end$/ && is_end {
end = 0
@ -1676,15 +1622,98 @@ end
function __fisher_completions_write
functions __fisher_completions_write | fish_indent | __fisher_parse_comments_from_function
# complete -xc fisher -s q -l quiet -d "Enable quiet mode"
# complete -xc fisher -n "__fish_use_subcommand" -s h -l help -d "Show usage help"
# complete -xc fisher -n "__fish_use_subcommand" -s v -l version -d "Show version information"
# complete -xc fisher -n "__fish_use_subcommand" -a install -d "Install plugins"
# complete -xc fisher -n "__fish_use_subcommand" -a update -d "Update fisherman and plugins"
# complete -xc fisher -n "__fish_use_subcommand" -a rm -d "Remove plugins"
# complete -xc fisher -n "__fish_use_subcommand" -a ls -d "List what's installed"
# complete -xc fisher -n "__fish_use_subcommand" -a ls-remote -d "List everything available"
# complete -xc fisher -n "__fish_use_subcommand" -a help -d "Show help"
# if functions -q __fisher_complete
# __fisher_complete
# end
function __fisher_complete
set -l config_home $XDG_CONFIG_HOME
set -l cache_home $XDG_CACHE_HOME
if test -z "$config_home"
set config_home ~/.config
if test -z "$cache_home"
set cache_home ~/.cache
if test -z "$fisher_config"
set -g fisher_config "$config_home/fisherman"
if test -z "$fisher_cache"
set -g fisher_cache "$cache_home/fisherman"
set -l config_glob "$fisher_config"/*
set -l config (printf "%s\n" $config_glob | command sed "s|.*/||")
if test ! -s "$fisher_cache/.index"
if test ! -z "$config"
complete -xc fisher -n "__fish_seen_subcommand_from l ls list u up update r rm remove uninstall" -a "$config"
complete -xc fisher -n "__fish_seen_subcommand_from l ls list u up update r rm remove uninstall" -a "$fisher_active_prompt" -d "Prompt"
set -l IFS \t
set -l real_home ~
for name in (command find $config_glob -maxdepth 0 -type l ^ /dev/null)
set -l path (command readlink "$name")
set -l name (command basename "$name" | sed "s|$real_home|~|")
complete -xc fisher -n "__fish_seen_subcommand_from l ls list u up update r rm remove uninstall" -a "$name" -d "$path"
command awk -v FS=\t -v OFS=\t '
print($1, $2)
' "$fisher_cache/.index" ^ /dev/null | while read -l name info
switch "$name"
case fisherman\*
complete -xc fisher -n "__fish_seen_subcommand_from info ls-remote" -a "$name" -d "$info"
if contains -- "$name" $config
complete -xc fisher -n "__fish_seen_subcommand_from l ls list u up update r rm remove uninstall" -a "$name" -d "$info"
complete -xc fisher -n "__fish_seen_subcommand_from i in install" -a "$name" -d "$info"
if functions -q __fisher_plugin_get_url_info
for i in (__fisher_plugin_get_url_info -- $config_glob)
switch "$i"
case fisherman\*
case \*
set -l name (__fisher_plugin_get_names "$i")[1]
complete -xc fisher -n "__fish_seen_subcommand_from l ls list u up update r rm remove uninstall" -a "$name" -d "$i"
complete -xc fisher -n "__fish_use_subcommand" -a install -d "Install plugins"
complete -xc fisher -n "__fish_use_subcommand" -a update -d "Update plugins and self"
complete -xc fisher -n "__fish_use_subcommand" -a rm -d "Remove plugins"
complete -xc fisher -n "__fish_use_subcommand" -a ls -d "List what you've installed"
complete -xc fisher -n "__fish_use_subcommand" -a ls-remote -d "List everything that's available"
complete -xc fisher -n "__fish_use_subcommand" -a help -d "Show help"
complete -xc fisher -n "__fish_use_subcommand" -s h -l help -d "Show usage help"
complete -xc fisher -n "__fish_use_subcommand" -s v -l version -d "Show version information"
complete -xc fisher -s q -l quiet -d "Enable quiet mode"
@ -1925,18 +1954,31 @@ function __fisher_man_page_write
functions __fisher_man_page_write | fish_indent | __fisher_parse_comments_from_function
# .
# .TH "FISHERMAN" "1" "April 2016" "" "fisherman"
# .TH "FISHERMAN" "1" "May 2016" "" "fisherman"
# .
# .SH "NAME"
# \fBfisherman\fR \- fish shell plugin manager
# \fBfisherman\fR \- fish plugin manager
# .
# fisher [\fIcommand\fR] [\fIplugins\fR] [\-\-quiet] [\-\-version]
# fisher [(\-q | \-\-quiet)] [(\fBi\fRnstall | \fBu\fRpdate | \fBl\fRs[\-remote] | \fBr\fRm | \fBh\fRelp)] [PLUGIN\.\.\.]
# .
# .br
# .
# .P
# where \fIcommand\fR can be one of: \fBi\fRnstall, \fBu\fRpdate, \fBls\fR, \fBrm\fR and \fBh\fRelp
# A plugin manager for fish\.
# .
# .
# .IP "\(bu" 4
# \-v, \-\-version: Show version information\.
# .
# .IP "\(bu" 4
# \-h, \-\-help: Show usage help\. Use the long form to display this page\.
# .
# .IP "\(bu" 4
# \-q, \-\-quiet: Enable quiet mode\. Use to suppress output\.
# .
# .IP "" 0
# .
# Install a plugin\.
@ -1952,33 +1994,20 @@ function __fisher_man_page_write
# .IP "" 0
# .
# .P
# Install from multiple sources\.
# Install plugins from multiple sources\.
# .
# .IP "" 4
# .
# .nf
# fisher z fzf omf/{grc,thefuck}
# fisher z fzf edc/bass omf/tab
# .
# .fi
# .
# .IP "" 0
# .
# .P
# Install from a url\.
# .
# .IP "" 4
# .
# .nf
# fisher https://github\.com/edc/bass
# .
# .fi
# .
# .IP "" 0
# .
# .P
# Install from a gist\.
# Install a gist\.
# .
# .IP "" 4
# .
@ -1991,29 +2020,26 @@ function __fisher_man_page_write
# .IP "" 0
# .
# .P
# Install from a local directory\.
# Install a local directory as a plugin\.
# .
# .IP "" 4
# .
# .nf
# fisher ~/my_aliases
# fisher ~/plugin
# .
# .fi
# .
# .IP "" 0
# .
# .P
# Use it a la vundle\. Edit your fishfile and run \fBfisher\fR to satisfy changes\.
# .
# .P
# See \fIFAQ\fR#What is a fishfile and how do I use it?
# Edit your \fIfishfile\fR and run \fBfisher\fR to satisfy changes\.
# .
# .IP "" 4
# .
# .nf
# $EDITOR fishfile # add plugins
# $EDITOR ~/\.config/fish/fishfile
# fisher
# .
# .fi
@ -2021,19 +2047,18 @@ function __fisher_man_page_write
# .IP "" 0
# .
# .P
# See what\'s installed\.
# List what you\'ve installed\.
# .
# .IP "" 4
# .
# .nf
# fisher ls
# @ my_aliases # this plugin is a local directory
# * simple # this plugin is the current prompt
# @ plugin # a local directory
# * simple # the current prompt
# bass
# fzf
# grc
# thefuck
# tab
# z
# .
# .fi
@ -2041,7 +2066,7 @@ function __fisher_man_page_write
# .IP "" 0
# .
# .P
# See what you can install\.
# List everything that\'s available\.
# .
# .IP "" 4
# .
@ -2073,7 +2098,7 @@ function __fisher_man_page_write
# .
# .nf
# fisher up bass z fzf thefuck
# fisher up bass z fzf
# .
# .fi
# .
@ -2118,23 +2143,26 @@ function __fisher_man_page_write
# .
# .IP "" 0
# .
# .P
# Uninstall fisherman\.
# .
# .IP "\(bu" 4
# \-v, \-\-version Show version information\.
# .IP "" 4
# .
# .IP "\(bu" 4
# \-h, \-\-help Show usage help\. Use the long form to display this page\.
# .nf
# fisher self\-uninstall
# .
# .IP "\(bu" 4
# \-q, \-\-quiet Enable quiet mode\. Use to suppress output\.
# .fi
# .
# .IP "" 0
# .
# .SH "FAQ"
# .
# .SS "1\. What is the required fish version?"
# >= 2\.2\.0. For snippet support, upgrade to 2\.3\.0, or append the following code to your \fB~/\.config/fish/config\.fish\fR\.
# .SS "What is the required fish version?"
# >=2\.2\.0\.
# .
# .P
# For \fIsnippet\fR support, upgrade to >=2\.3\.0 or append the following code to your \fI~/\.config/fish/config\.fish\fR\.
# .
# .IP "" 4
# .
@ -2148,104 +2176,38 @@ function __fisher_man_page_write
# .
# .IP "" 0
# .
# .SS "2\. How do I use fish as my default shell?"
# Add fish to the list of login shells in \fB/etc/shells\fR and make it your default shell\.
# .
# .IP "" 4
# .
# .nf
# echo "/usr/local/bin/fish" | sudo tee \-a /etc/shells
# chsh \-s /usr/local/bin/fish
# .
# .fi
# .
# .IP "" 0
# .
# .SS "3\. How do I uninstall fisherman?"
# Run
# .
# .IP "" 4
# .
# .nf
# fisher self\-uninstall
# .
# .fi
# .
# .IP "" 0
# .
# .SS "4\. Is fisherman compatible with oh my fish themes and plugins?"
# .SS "Is fisherman compatible with oh\-my\-fish themes and plugins?"
# Yes\.
# .
# .SS "5\. Where does fisherman put stuff?"
# fisherman goes in \fB~/\.config/fish/functions/fisher\.fish\fR\.
# .SS "Where does fisherman put stuff?"
# The cache and configuration go in \fI~/\.cache/fisherman\fR and \fI~/\.config/fisherman\fR respectively\.
# .
# .P
# The cache and plugin configuration is created in \fB~/\.cache/fisherman\fR and \fB~/\.config/fisherman\fR respectively\.
# The fishfile is saved to \fI~/\.config/fish/fishfile\fR\.
# .
# .P
# The fishfile is saved to \fB~/\.config/fish/fishfile\fR\.
# .
# .SS "6\. What is a fishfile and how do I use it?"
# The fishfile \fB~/\.config/fish/fishfile\fR lists all the installed plugins\.
# .SS "What is a fishfile and how do I use it?"
# The fishfile lists all the installed plugins\.
# .
# .P
# You can let fisherman take care of this file for you automatically, or write in the plugins you want and run \fBfisher\fR to satisfy the changes\.
# .
# .IP "" 4
# .
# .nf
# fisherman/simple
# fisherman/z
# omf/thefuck
# omf/grc
# .
# .fi
# .
# .IP "" 0
# .
# .P
# This mechanism only installs plugins and missing dependencies\. To remove a plugin, use \fBfisher rm\fR instead\.
# This mechanism only installs plugins and missing dependencies\. To remove plugins, use \fBfisher rm\fR\.
# .
# .SS "6\. Where can I find the list of fish plugins?"
# Browse \fIhttps://github\.com/fisherman\fR or use \fIhttp://fisherman\.sh/#search\fR to discover content\.
# .
# .SS "7\. What is a plugin?"
# .SS "What is a plugin?"
# A plugin is:
# .
# .IP "1." 4
# a directory or git repo with a function \fB\.fish\fR file either at the root level of the project or inside a \fBfunctions\fR directory
# a directory or git repo with one or more \fI\.fish\fR functions either at the root level of the project or inside a \fIfunctions\fR directory
# .
# .IP "2." 4
# a theme or prompt, i\.e, a \fBfish_prompt\.fish\fR, \fBfish_right_prompt\.fish\fR or both files
# a theme or prompt, i\.e, a \fIfish_prompt\.fish\fR, \fIfish_right_prompt\.fish\fR or both files
# .
# .IP "3." 4
# a snippet, i\.e, one or more \fB\.fish\fR files inside a directory named \fBconf\.d\fR that are evaluated by fish at the start of the shell
# a snippet, i\.e, one or more \fI\.fish\fR files inside a directory named \fIconf\.d\fR, evaluated by fish at the start of the session
# .
# .IP "" 0
# .
# .SS "8\. How can I list plugins as dependencies to my plugin?"
# Create a new \fBfishfile\fR file at the root level of your project and write in the plugin dependencies\.
# .
# .IP "" 4
# .
# .nf
# owner/repo
# https://github\.com/owner/repo
# https://gist\.github\.com/bucaran/c256586044fea832e62f02bc6f6daf32
# .
# .fi
# .
# .IP "" 0
# .
# .SS "9\. I have a question or request not addressed here\. Where should I put it?"
# Create a new ticket on the issue tracker:
# .
# .IP "\(bu" 4
# \fIhttps://github\.com/fisherman/fisherman/issues\fR
# .
# .IP "" 0
# .SS "How can I list plugins as dependencies to my plugin?"
# Create a new \fIfishfile\fR file at the root level of your project and write in your plugin dependencies\.