defmodule PlugMicropub.Token do require Logger def verify( access_token, token_endpoint, required_scope, supported_scopes, own_hostname, user_agent ) do case do_verify_token(access_token, token_endpoint, user_agent) do {:ok, %{status: 200, body: body}} -> verify_token_response(body, required_scope, supported_scopes, own_hostname) {:ok, %{status: status}} -> {:error, :request_error, status} {:error, %{code: code}} -> Logger.error("Token endpoint responded with unexpected code: #{inspect(code)}") {:error, :request_error, code} {:error, %{reason: reason}} -> Logger.error("Could not reach token endpoint: #{inspect(reason)}") {:error, :request_error, reason} error -> Logger.error("Unexpected error: #{inspect(error)}") {:error, :request_error, "Internal Server Error"} end end defp do_verify_token(access_token, token_endpoint, user_agent) do client = Tesla.client([ Tesla.Middleware.JSON, {Tesla.Middleware.Headers, [ {"User-Agent", user_agent}, {"Authorization", "Bearer #{access_token}"}, {"Accept", "application/json"} ]} ]) Tesla.get(client, token_endpoint) end defp verify_token_response( %{ me: host_uri, scope: scope, client_id: client_id, issued_at: _issued_at, issued_by: _issued_by, nonce: _nonce }, required_scope, supported_scopes, own_hostname ) do"Host-URI: '#{host_uri}'")"ClientId: '#{client_id}'")"Scopes: '#{scope}'") with :ok <- verify_hostname_match(host_uri, own_hostname), :ok <- verify_scope_support(scope, required_scope, supported_scopes) do :ok else {:error, name, reason} -> Logger.error("Could not verify token response: #{reason}") {:error, name, reason} end end defp verify_hostname_match(host_uri, own_hostname) do hostnames_match? = get_hostname(host_uri) == own_hostname case hostnames_match? do true -> :ok _ -> Logger.warning("Hostnames do not match: Given #{host_uri}, Actual: #{own_hostname}") {:error, "verify_hostname_match", "hostname does not match"} end end defp get_hostname(host_uri) do host_uri |> URI.parse() |> Map.get(:host) end defp verify_scope_support(_scopes, nil, _supported_scopes), do: :ok defp verify_scope_support(scopes, required_scope, supported_scopes) when not is_nil(required_scope) do required = Enum.member?(supported_scopes, required_scope) requested = Enum.member?(String.split(scopes), required_scope) cond do required && requested -> :ok !required -> {:error, "verify_scope_support", "scope '#{required_scope}' is not supported"} !requested -> {:error, "verify_scope_support", "scope '#{required_scope}' was not requested"} end end end