## Font size ### Configuration The following values can be used to configure the font size: ```css :root { --text-scale: 1.2; } ``` Building on this value, these variables are available, where `--text-sm` is slightly less than `1em` and `--text-md` is slightly more. ```css --text-xs --text-sm --text-md --text-lg --text-xl --text-xxl --text-xxxl ``` ## Spacing Spacing is best show with the actual classes. The basic principle is, whenever the number in the name (eg. `--spacing-3`) doubles, the corresponding spacing should also double (`--spacing-6`). ```css --spacing-0: 0; --spacing-px: 1px; --spacing-05: 0.125rem; /* 1 */ --spacing-1: 0.25rem; --spacing-2: 0.5rem; --spacing-3: 0.75rem; --spacing-4: 1rem; --spacing-5: 1.25rem; --spacing-6: 1.5rem; --spacing-7: 1.75rem; --spacing-8: 2rem; --spacing-9: 2.25rem; --spacing-10: 2.5rem; /* 2 */ --spacing-12: 3rem; --spacing-14: 3.5rem; --spacing-16: 4rem; --spacing-18: 4.5rem; --spacing-20: 5rem; /* 4 */ --spacing-24: 6rem; --spacing-28: 7rem; --spacing-32: 8rem; --spacing-36: 9rem; --spacing-40: 10rem; /* 8 */ --spacing-48: 12rem; --spacing-56: 14rem; --spacing-64: 16rem; --spacing-80: 20rem; --spacing-96: 24rem; ``` ## Colors Colors are divided in a set of different grays, ranging from more cold colors to a neutral set (which is the default) to warmer colors, and a palette of colors. Every color has 10 values, `---50` and from `---100` and with `---900`. The included colors are taken from the great [Tailwind.css](https://tailwindcss.com). ![Tailwind Palette](./media/tailwind.png)