Dotfiles Template ================= This is a template repository for bootstraping your dotfiles with [Dotbot][dotbot]. To get started, you can [fork][fork] this repository (and probably delete this README and rename your version to something like just `dotfiles`). In general, you should be using symbolic links for everything, and using git submodules whenever possible. To keep submodules at their proper versions, you could include something like `git submodule update --init --recursive` in your `install.conf.yaml`. To upgrade your submodules to their latest versions, you could periodically run `git submodule update --init --remote`. Inspiration ----------- If you're looking for inspiration for how to structure your dotfiles or what kinds of things you can include, you could take a look at some repos using Dotbot. * [anishathalye's dotfiles][anishathalye_dotfiles] * [csivanich's dotfiles][csivanich_dotfiles] * [m45t3r's dotfiles][m45t3r_dotfiles] * [alexwh's dotfiles][alexwh_dotfiles] * [azd325's dotfiles][azd325_dotfiles] * [bluekeys' dotfiles][bluekeys_dotfiles] If you're using Dotbot and you'd like to include a link to your dotfiles here as an inspiration to others, please submit a pull request. License ------- This software is hereby released into the public domain. That means you can do whatever you want with it without restriction. See `` for details. That being said, I would appreciate it if you could maintain a link back to Dotbot (or this repository) to help other people discover Dotbot. [dotbot]: [fork]: [anishathalye_dotfiles]: [csivanich_dotfiles]: [m45t3r_dotfiles]: [alexwh_dotfiles]: [azd325_dotfiles]: [bluekeys_dotfiles]: