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defmodule ChiyaWeb.PublicComponents do
use Phoenix.Component
use Phoenix.VerifiedRoutes,
endpoint: ChiyaWeb.Endpoint,
router: ChiyaWeb.Router,
statics: ChiyaWeb.static_paths()
import ChiyaWeb.Format
import ChiyaWeb.Markdown, only: [render: 1]
import Phoenix.HTML, only: [raw: 1]
@doc """
Renders a [Hero Icon](
Hero icons come in three styles outline, solid, and mini.
By default, the outline style is used, but solid an mini may
be applied by using the `-solid` and `-mini` suffix.
You can customize the size and colors of the icons by setting
width, height, and background color classes.
Icons are extracted from your `priv/hero_icons` directory and bundled
within your compiled app.css by the plugin in your `assets/tailwind.config.js`.
## Examples
<.icon name="hero-cake" />
<.icon name="hero-cake-solid" />
<.icon name="hero-cake-mini" />
<.icon name="hero-bolt" class="bg-blue-500 w-10 h-10" />
attr :name, :string, required: true
attr :class, :string, default: nil
def icon(%{name: "hero-" <> _} = assigns) do
<span class={[@name, @class]} />
@doc """
Renders a middot as divider
def dot(assigns),
do: ~H"""
<span class="text-theme-primary font-bold">·</span>
@doc """
Renders a horizontal line
def line(assigns),
do: ~H"""
<hr class="my-6 border-theme-base/20" />
attr :text, :string, default: ""
def divider(assigns) do
<div class="flex items-center my-8 text-theme-base/75 before:flex-1 after:flex-1 before:content-[''] after:content-[''] before:p-[0.5px] after:p-[0.5px] before:bg-theme-base/25 after:bg-theme-base/25 w-full mx-auto last:hidden">
<%= assigns.text %>
@doc """
Renders a note-header with title.
attr :class, :string, default: nil
attr :inline, :boolean, default: false
slot :inner_block, required: true
slot :subtitle
slot :actions
def header(assigns) do
<header class={[@actions != [] && "flex items-center justify-between gap-6", @class]}>
<h1 class="text-lg font-semibold leading-8 text-gray-800 dark:text-gray-200">
<%= render_slot(@inner_block) %>
<span :if={@inline} class="text-sm leading-6 font-normal text-gray-600 dark:text-gray-400">
<%= render_slot(@subtitle) %>
:if={@subtitle != [] && @inline == false}
class="mt-2 text-sm leading-6 text-gray-600 dark:text-gray-400"
<%= render_slot(@subtitle) %>
<div class="flex-none"><%= render_slot(@actions) %></div>
attr :layout, :atom, default: :list
attr :notes, :list, required: true
def note_list(assigns) do
case assigns.layout do
:gallery ->
<section class="note-list gallery | mt-6">
<%= for note <- assigns.notes do %>
<section class="flex flex-wrap justify-start gap-3">
<%= for image <- note.images do %>
href={ChiyaWeb.Helpers.image_url(image, :full)}
class="lightbox | w-28"
<img src={ChiyaWeb.Helpers.image_url(image, :thumb)} loading="lazy" />
<% end %>
class="text-theme-secondary text-lg/10 font-semibold rounded-lg -mx-2 -my-0.5 px-2 py-0.5 hover:bg-theme-secondary/10 transition"
<%= %>
<span class="text-theme-base/75 text-sm">
<%= pretty_date(note.published_at) %>
<.line />
<% end %>
:microblog ->
<section class="note-list microblog | mt-6 text-theme-base">
<%= for note <- assigns.notes do %>
<article class="mt-4 first:mt-0">
<% image = main_image(note) %>
<%= if image do %>
<figure class="mb-4">
src={ChiyaWeb.Helpers.image_url(image, :full)}
<% end %>
<div class="prose prose-gruvbox">
<%= raw(render(note.content)) %>
<footer class="mt-1">
<time class="text-theme-base/75">
<%= pretty_datetime(note.published_at) %>
<.dot />
<a href={~p"/note/#{note.slug}"} class="text-theme-base/75">Permalink</a>
<%= if not Enum.empty?(note.images) do %>
<.dot />
<.icon name="hero-photo" />
<% end %>
<.divider />
<% end %>
# default, show headings only
_ ->
<section class="note-list default | mt-6 sm:w-auto flex flex-col gap-1.5">
<%= for note <- assigns.notes do %>
class="rounded-lg -mx-2 -my-0.5 px-2 py-0.5 hover:bg-theme-secondary/10 transition"
<span class="text-theme-secondary text-lg font-semibold leading-8">
<%= %>
<span class="text-theme-base/75 text-sm"><%= pretty_date(note.published_at) %></span>
<% end %>
# def comment_form(assigns) do
# ~H"""
# <.simple_form :let={f} for={@changeset} action="" class="bg-theme-background -m-3">
# <.error :if={@changeset.action}>
# Oops, something went wrong! Please check the errors below.
# </.error>
# <.input
# field={f[:author_name]}
# type="text"
# placeholder="Name"
# class="bg-theme-background dark:bg-theme-background border-theme-base/20 dark:border-theme-base/20 text-theme-base dark:text-theme-base placeholder-theme-base/40 dark:placeholder-theme-base/60 dark:focus:border-theme-base/60 dark:focus:border-theme-base/60"
# />
# <.input
# field={f[:content]}
# type="textarea"
# placeholder="Content"
# rows="3"
# class="bg-theme-background dark:bg-theme-background border-theme-base/20 dark:border-theme-base/20 text-theme-base dark:text-theme-base placeholder-theme-base/60 dark:placeholder-theme-base/60 focus:border-theme-base/60 dark:focus:border-theme-base/60"
# />
# <.input field={f[:note_id]} type="hidden" />
# <:actions>
# <.button>Submit Comment</.button>
# </:actions>
# </.simple_form>
# """
# end
# def comment_list(assigns) do
# ~H"""
# <%= if not Enum.empty?(assigns.note.comments) do %>
# <.line />
# <h2 class="mb-6 text-theme-base"><%= Enum.count(assigns.note.comments) %> Comments</h2>
# <aside id="comments" class="flex flex-col gap-6">
# <%= for comment <- assigns.note.comments do %>
# <article class="text-theme-base bg-theme-base/10 p-1">
# <header class="flex flex-row justify-between">
# <strong class="text-theme-primary"><%= comment.author_name %></strong>
# <span class="text-theme-dim"><%= from_now(comment.inserted_at) %></span>
# </header>
# <p><%= comment.content %></p>
# </article>
# <% end %>
# </aside>
# <% else %>
# <.line />
# <h2 class="mb-6 text-theme-base">No comments yet.</h2>
# <% end %>
# """
# end
defp gallery_name(note), do: "gallery-#{}"
defp main_image(note),
|> Enum.filter(fn image -> image.featured end)
|> List.first()