defmodule ChiyaWeb.PageController do use ChiyaWeb, :controller def home(conn, _params) do # The home page is often custom made, # so skip the default app layout. settings = conn.assigns.settings channel = if settings.home_channel_id != nil do Chiya.Channels.get_channel!(settings.home_channel_id) |> Chiya.Channels.preload_channel_public() else nil end render(conn, :home, layout: {ChiyaWeb.Layouts, "public.html"}, channel: channel) end def channel(conn, %{"slug" => channel_slug}) do channel = Chiya.Channels.get_channel_by_slug!(channel_slug) |> Chiya.Channels.preload_channel_public() render(conn, :channel, layout: {ChiyaWeb.Layouts, "public.html"}, channel: channel) end def note(conn, %{"slug" => note_slug}) do note = Chiya.Notes.get_note_by_slug_preloaded!(note_slug) if is_nil(note.published_at) do render_error(conn, :not_found) else render(conn, :note, layout: {ChiyaWeb.Layouts, "public.html"}, note: note) end end end