@import "tailwindcss/base"; @import "tailwindcss/components"; @import "tailwindcss/utilities"; @import "./lolight.css"; @import "./lightbox.css"; @layer base { :root[data-theme=default] { --color-primary: 68 68 68; --color-background: 255 255 255; --color-text-base: 68 68 68; --color-text-heading: 68 68 68; --color-text-muted: 153 153 153; --color-text-dim: 204 204 204; } :root[data-theme=default][data-mode=dark] { --color-primary: 255 255 255; --color-background: 34 34 34; --color-text-base: 204 204 204; --color-text-heading: 255 255 255; --color-text-muted: 102 102 102; --color-text-dim: 68 68 68; } :root[data-theme=frame] { --color-primary: 91 82 254; --color-background: 237 238 242; --color-text-base: 38 43 55; --color-text-heading: 57 65 83; --color-text-muted: 57 65 83; --color-text-dim: 76 87 111; } :root[data-theme=frame][data-mode=dark] { --color-primary: 91 82 254; --color-background: 38 43 55; --color-text-base: 204 204 204; --color-text-heading: 204 204 204; --color-text-muted: 76 87 111; --color-text-dim: 57 65 83; } :root[data-theme=gruvbox] { --color-primary: 175 58 3; --color-background: 251 241 199; --color-text-base :40 40 40; --color-text-heading: 66 123 88; --color-text-muted: 60 56 54; --color-text-dim: 102 92 84; } :root[data-theme=gruvbox][data-mode=dark] { --color-primary: 214 93 14; --color-background: 40 40 40; --color-text-base: 251 241 199; --color-text-heading: 104 157 106; --color-text-muted: 235 219 178; --color-text-dim: 189 174 147; } } /* Invert prose styles based on the variant of the theme. */ :root[data-mode=dark] .prose { @apply prose-invert; } .prose :where(a):not(:where([class~="not-prose"] *)) { @apply underline decoration-2 decoration-theme-primary; } .prose img { @apply rounded; } /* Set width and color for identity icons */ a[rel] svg { width: 1em; fill: rgb(var(--color-text-heading)); } /* Set width and color for identity icons */ svg { width: 1.5em; }