defmodule ChiyaWeb.Indie.Micropub do require Logger alias ChiyaWeb.Indie.Properties, as: Props alias ChiyaWeb.Indie.Token def create_note(type, properties) do settings = Chiya.Site.get_settings() with {:ok, note_attrs} <- get_create_attrs(type, properties, settings), {:ok, note} <- Chiya.Notes.create_note(note_attrs) do create_photos(note, properties)"Note created!") {:ok, :created, Chiya.Notes.Note.note_url(note)} else error -> Logger.error("Error occurred while creating note from micropub:") Logger.error(inspect(error)) {:error, :invalid_request} end end def update_note(note, replace, add, delete) do"Updating note..") with {:ok, note_attrs} <- get_update_attrs(replace, add, delete), {:ok, note} <- Chiya.Notes.update_note(note, note_attrs) do"Note updated!") {:ok, note} else error -> Logger.error("Error occurred while creating note from micropub:") Logger.error(inspect(error)) {:error, :invalid_request} end end def find_note(note_url) do"Looking up note by url #{note_url}") slug = Chiya.Notes.Note.note_slug(note_url) if is_nil(slug) do Logger.error("Note with #{note_url} was not found.") {:error, :invalid_request} else"Found note with slug #{slug}, fetching note.") note = Chiya.Notes.get_note_by_slug_preloaded(slug) if is_nil(note) do Logger.error("Note with #{note_url} was not found.") {:error, :invalid_request} else"Note found!") {:ok, note} end end end defp create_photos(note, properties) do properties |> Props.get_photos() |> Enum.with_index() |> Enum.each(fn {photo, index} -> featured = index == 0 Chiya.Notes.create_note_image(%{ note_id:, path: photo.path, featured: featured }) end) end def verify_token(access_token) do Enum.reduce_while( [ &verify_app_token/1, &verify_micropub_token/1 ], nil, fn fun, _result -> case fun.(access_token) do :ok -> {:halt, :ok} error -> {:cont, error} end end ) end defp get_create_attrs(type, properties, settings) do {:ok, post_type} = Props.get_post_type(properties)"Creating a #{type}/#{post_type}..") case post_type do :note -> get_note_attrs(properties, settings.micropub_channel_id) :bookmark -> get_bookmark_attrs(properties, settings.bookmark_channel_id) _ -> {:error, :insufficient_scope} end end defp get_update_attrs(replace, add, _delete) do replace_attrs = put_update_attrs(replace) add_attrs = put_update_attrs(add) attrs = %{} |> Enum.into(replace_attrs) |> Enum.into(add_attrs)"Update attributes: #{inspect(attrs)}") {:ok, attrs} end defp put_update_attrs(source) do name = Props.get_title(source) attrs = %{} attrs = if name do Map.put(attrs, :name, name) else attrs end content = Props.get_content(source) attrs = if content do Map.put(attrs, :content, content) else attrs end tags = Props.get_tags(source) attrs = if !Enum.empty?(tags) do tags_string = Enum.join(tags, ",") Map.put(attrs, :tags_string, tags_string) else attrs end attrs end defp verify_micropub_token(access_token) do Token.verify(access_token, "create", get_hostname()) end defp verify_app_token(access_token) do token = Chiya.Accounts.get_app_token("obsidian", "app") if not is_nil(token) do token_string = token.token |> :crypto.bytes_to_integer() |> to_string() if token_string == access_token do :ok else {:error, :insufficient_scope, "Could not verify app token"} end else {:error, :insufficient_scope, "Could not verify app token"} end end defp get_note_attrs(properties, channel_id) do attrs = properties |> get_base_attrs() |> get_channel(channel_id)"Note attributes: #{inspect(attrs)}") {:ok, attrs} end defp get_bookmark_attrs(properties, channel_id) do url = Props.get_bookmarked_url(properties) attrs = properties |> get_base_attrs() |> get_channel(channel_id) |> Map.put_new(:url, url) |> Map.put_new(:kind, :bookmark)"Bookmark attributes: #{inspect(attrs)}") {:ok, attrs} end defp get_base_attrs(properties) do content = Props.get_content(properties) name = Props.get_title(properties) || Chiya.Notes.Note.note_title(content) tags = Props.get_tags(properties) |> Enum.join(",") published_at = if Props.is_published?(properties), do: NaiveDateTime.local_now(), else: nil attrs = %{ content: content, name: name, tags_string: tags, published_at: published_at }"Base attributes: #{inspect(attrs)}") attrs end def get_channel(attrs, channel_id) do if channel_id, do: Map.put(attrs, :channels, [Chiya.Channels.get_channel(channel_id)]), else: attrs end defp get_hostname(), do: URI.parse(ChiyaWeb.Endpoint.url()).host end