defmodule ChiyaWeb.Outline do @outline_regex ~r/\#{1,6}\s.+/ @heading_regex ~r/^(#+)\s(.+)$/ def get(markdown) do @outline_regex |> Regex.scan(markdown, capture: :all) |> List.flatten() |> |> into_tree([]) end defp level_from_string(string), do: String.length(string) defp into_map(heading) do [[_, level, heading]] = Regex.scan(@heading_regex, heading) %{level: level_from_string(level), text: heading, children: []} end defp into_tree([], result), do: result defp into_tree([head | tail], result) do level = head.level # Split the remaining items (tail) at the next # same level element as the current (head) # The first list will be the children of the head, # the second list will be the new list {children, new_list} = Enum.split_while(tail, fn heading -> level < heading.level end) # add the children to the current item head = Map.put(head, :children, children) # call again with new list and current item # added to result into_tree(new_list, result ++ [head]) end end