defmodule ChiyaWeb.Indie.MicropubHandler do @behaviour PlugMicropub.HandlerBehaviour require Logger use Phoenix.VerifiedRoutes, endpoint: ChiyaWeb.Endpoint, router: ChiyaWeb.Router alias ChiyaWeb.Indie.Micropub @default_properties [ "name", "content", "published_at", "slug", "channels", "tags" ] @post_types [ %{ "type" => "note", "name" => "Note" }, %{ "type" => "bookmark", "name" => "Bookmark" } ] @impl true def handle_create(type, properties, access_token) do"Handle create")"Properties: #{inspect(properties)}")"Type: #{type}") case Micropub.verify_token(access_token) do :ok -> Micropub.create_note(type, properties) _ -> {:error, :invalid_request} end end @impl true def handle_update(url, replace, add, delete, access_token) do with :ok <- Micropub.verify_token(access_token), {:ok, note} <- Micropub.find_note(url), {:ok, _note} <- Micropub.update_note(note, replace, add, delete) do :ok else error -> error end end @impl true def handle_delete(_url, _access_token) do {:error, :insufficient_scope} end @impl true def handle_undelete(_url, _access_token) do {:error, :insufficient_scope} end @impl true def handle_media(file, access_token) do with :ok <- Micropub.verify_token(access_token), {:ok, image} <- Chiya.Notes.create_note_image_temp(%{path: file.path}) do url = ChiyaWeb.Uploaders.NoteImageTemp.url({image.path, image}, :original) {:ok, url} else _ -> {:error, :insufficient_scope} end end @impl true def handle_source_query(url, filter_properties, access_token) do filter_properties = if Enum.empty?(filter_properties), do: @default_properties, else: filter_properties with :ok <- Micropub.verify_token(access_token), {:ok, slug} <- Chiya.Notes.Note.note_slug(url), note <- Chiya.Notes.get_public_note_by_slug_preloaded!(slug) do filtered_note = Map.filter(note, fn {key, _val} -> Enum.member?(filter_properties, to_string(key)) end) {:ok, filtered_note} else _ -> {:error, :insufficient_scope} end end @impl true def handle_config_query(access_token) do case Micropub.verify_token(access_token) do :ok -> config = %{ "media-endpoint" => url(~p"/indie/micropub/media"), "destination" => [], "post-types" => @post_types, "channels" => get_channels() } {:ok, config} _ -> {:error, :insufficient_scope} end end @impl true def handle_syndicate_to_query(access_token) do case Micropub.verify_token(access_token) do :ok -> {:ok, %{"syndicate-to" => []}} _ -> {:error, :insufficient_scope} end end @impl true def handle_category_query(access_token) do case Micropub.verify_token(access_token) do :ok -> {:ok, %{"categories" => get_categories()}} _ -> {:error, :insufficient_scope} end end @impl true def handle_channel_query(access_token) do case Micropub.verify_token(access_token) do :ok -> {:ok, %{"channels" => get_channels()}} _ -> {:error, :insufficient_scope} end end defp get_channels() do channels = Chiya.Channels.list_channels(), fn c -> %{ "uid" => c.slug, "name" => } end) end defp get_categories() do tags = Chiya.Tags.list_tags(), fn t -> end) end end