defmodule ChiyaWeb.Markdown do @moduledoc """ Module used for rendering markdown. Rendering also collects and replaces internal [references](`Mirage.References`) to other entities like Lists and Tags. """ import Ecto.Changeset, only: [get_change: 2, put_change: 3] def options(), do: %Earmark.Options{ code_class_prefix: "lang- language-", footnotes: true, breaks: true, escape: false, registered_processors: processors() } @doc """ Renders markdown with Earmark. """ def render(markdown) do markdown |> ChiyaWeb.References.replace_references() |> Earmark.as_html!(options()) end @doc """ Renders markdown to HTML inside a changeset if markdown changed. Markdown field and HTML field can be configured. """ def maybe_render(changeset, markdown_field, html_field) do if markdown = get_change(changeset, markdown_field) do html = render(markdown) put_change(changeset, html_field, html) else changeset end end def processors() do heading = fn {_, _, [content], _} = n when is_binary(content) -> slug = Slugger.slugify_downcase(content) Earmark.AstTools.merge_atts_in_node(n, id: slug) node -> node end [[ {"h1", heading}, {"h2", heading}, {"h3", heading}, {"h4", heading}, {"h5", heading}, {"h6", heading} ]) ] end end