
140 lines
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<pre class='metadata'>
Title: Web Environment Integrity
Shortname: web-environment-integrity
Level: 1
Status: DREAM
Editor: Ben Wiser, Google, bewise@chromium.org
Abstract: An API used to integrity check the environment a web page runs on. This check is performed
Abstract: by trusted attesters.
Markup Shorthands: markdown yes, css no
# Introduction # {#introduction}
## Motivations ## {#motivations}
## Examples ## {#examples}
<div class="example" id="client-integrity-request">
Requesting environment integrity attestation.
<pre class="lang-js">
// getEnvironmentIntegrity expects a "content binding" of the request you are
// about to make. The content binding protects against this information being
// used for a different request.
// The contentBinding will be concatenated with top-level domain name and hashed
// before it is sent to the attester.
const contentBinding = "/someRequestPath?requestID=xxxx" +
"Any other data needed for a request-specific contentBinding...";
const attestation = await navigator.getEnvironmentIntegrity(contentBinding);
"base-64 encoding of the attestation payload and signature approx 500 bytes; see below for details"
// More on attestation validation below
const response = await fetch(\`/someRequest?requestID=xxxx&attested=${attestation.encode()}\`);
// Do something with this ...
# Key terms # {#key-terms}
The <dfn for="web environment">web environment</dfn> is defined as <i>TODO</i>
# Attesters # {#attester}
The term <dfn for="attester">attester</dfn> refers to a third party capable of returning an [=Integrity verdict=]. A <dfn for="Integrity verdict">Integrity verdict</dfn> refers
to a response that confirms if the [=attester=] trusts the [=web environment=] the [=user agent=] is
executing in.
The [=user agent=] connects to the [=attester=] through an {{AttesterConnection}}.
The [=user agent=] SHOULD use separate {{AttesterConnection}}s if the {{AttesterConnection}}
stores state in the [=Integrity verdict=] that can be used for cross site tracking.
## Token Format ## {#attester-tokens}
## Browser Acceptance Requirements ## {#attester-browser-requirements}
## {{AttesterConnection}} ## {#attester-connection}
<xmp class="idl">
interface AttesterConnection {
ArrayBuffer getAttestation(DOMString contentBinding);
: getAttestation
:: Returns a COSE signed CBOR object as an ArrayBuffer from the [=attester=] that contains the [=Integrity verdict=].
# Web Environment Integrity API # {#api}
## Extensions to {{Navigator}} ## {#extensions-to-navigator}
<xmp class="idl">
partial interface Navigator {
[SecureContext] Promise<EnvironmentIntegrity> getEnvironmentIntegrity(DOMString contentBinding);
### {{Navigator/getEnvironmentIntegrity()}} ### {#navigator-getenvironmentintegrity}
<div algorithm="navigator-getenvironmentintegrity-alg">
The [=user agent=] has the global <dfn for="attesterConnection">attesterConnection</dfn>, which is
an {{AttesterConnection}} with the [=attester=].
The <dfn method for="Navigator"><code>getEnvironmentIntegrity(|contentBinding|)</code></dfn> method, when invoked, runs these steps:
1. Let |promise| be [=a new promise=]
1. Run the following steps [=in parallel=]:
1. Let |environmentIntegrity| be a new {{EnvironmentIntegrity}}
1. Set |environmentIntegrity|.{{EnvironmentIntegrity/attestationToken}} to [=attesterConnection=].<a method for=AttesterConnection>getAttestation(|contentBinding|)</a>. If this fails then:
1. [=Reject=] |promise| with a <i>TODO</i> [=Exception=]
1. Abort these steps
1. [=Resolve=] |promise| with |environmentIntegrity|
1. Return |promise|
## {{EnvironmentIntegrity}} ## {#environment-integrity}
<xmp class="idl">
interface EnvironmentIntegrity {
readonly attribute ArrayBuffer attestationToken;
DOMString encode();
object toJSON();
: attestationToken
:: The attestation token is a COSE signed CBOR object as an ArrayBuffer from the attester.
: encode()
:: The encode method will return a Base64 string representation of the attestation token.
: toJSON()
:: The toJSON method returns a human readable JSON representation of the attestation token. It will first decode the CBOR object. Useful for local debugging.
# Security and privacy considerations # {#security-and-privacy}
## Security considerations ## {#security}
## Privacy considerations ## {#privacy}